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Kako se ujemata: Devica+Kozorog

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12 komentarjev na to temo

#1 bergamotka3

  • NeČistZačetnik
  • Pip
  • Št. objav: 3

Objavljeno: 26. marec 2010, 18:10

Ona 9.9.1986 4:55 Jesenice
On 16.1.1985 20:10 Jesenice

Kako se ujemata? Hvala za odgovore...

#2 lily1604

  • NeČistZačetnik
  • Pip
  • Št. objav: 5

Objavljeno: 5. april 2010, 21:12

Nisem astrolog ampak, ko bom imela več časa ti bom odgovorila, vsaj nekaj osnovnih stvari.
Pripela pa sem vajino karto.

Lep dan!

#3 lily1604

  • NeČistZačetnik
  • Pip
  • Št. objav: 5

Objavljeno: 5. april 2010, 21:21

Na žalost je prevelika, bova morali brez nje!

#4 AnAjchi

  • NeČistZačetnik
  • Pip
  • Št. objav: 3

Objavljeno: 7. april 2010, 22:06

x;)x hellow..
no pa sm se končno registrirala, tak da Bergamotki ni treba spraševat namesto mene....ker sem se
v skrajni sili obrnila na ta forum, bi res prosila tistega, ki obvlada zadevo da mi pomaga...HElp x:Ix
no jst sem tista zoprna devičko, še bolj zoprno saj izračun ascedenta potrjuje dvakratno zoprnijo :vragec:

hvala vnaprej res x:)x

p. s. kozorogec je rojen 16. 01. 1985 ob 20. 15 xsrcx

#5 Mcmurphy

  • Vajenček
  • PipPipPipPip
  • Št. objav: 91

Objavljeno: 8. april 2010, 08:16

Evo karta.

Najmočnejši aspekti, zelo na brzino ("f" si ti, "m" je on):

Uranus square sun
This is a relationship full of verve and romance, particularly in the first throes of love. f and m are attracted to each other from the moment that they first meet and continue to experience excitement and joy in each other's company. Despite this sense of adventure, f and m may have trouble maintaining a committed, long-term relationship. This combination of the Sun and the planet Uranus suggest more an erratic and thrilling relationship, rather than a stable one. The initial enthusiasm can fade as f and m begin to experience the need to accommodate each other's needs and desires in this union. f and m are each determined to maintain their individuality, which can present problems for any union that requires compromise. f and m both want to do things their own way and become rebellious if the other person presents any obstacles. This is particularly true for m, who stresses his individuality and can be unwilling to adjust to the demands of a serious relationship. m does not want to be overridden by what he perceives as f's strong personality and may have problems showing a long-term commitment. Likewise f believes that m stands in the way of her expressing her true nature. On a more positive note this association brings something new and original into f and m's lives and they both feel enlivened as a result. The long-term success of this union may depend on other connections between f and m's astrology charts.

Mars trine Moon
This combination of planets denotes a relationship that is exciting and animated. f and m's discussions are lively and impassioned and their shared pastimes are also likely to be energetic and fun. f and m enjoy spontaneity and both tend to be impulsive when together. Both of them feel that their lives have become more effervescent with the advent of this relationship. f is most likely to feel that m brings excitement into her life. f is aware that m's drive and energy contributes positively to her life. Whereas m feels inspired by the relationship to achieve his goals. m acknowledges that f's support and understanding is helping him to advance in life. There is also likely to be a strong sexual attraction that helps to add a little spice to life. However, this sexual attraction is most powerful when both f and m are feeling comfortable within the association. The attraction can lose its spark when there is emotional tension. Fortunately, this does not happen often. f and m are mostly able to resolve their differences and enjoy an enlivened and satisfying union.

Chiron opposition Saturn
This union is fraught with difficulties, mainly because of f and m's past experiences in relationships. Hurtful experiences from previous important relationships have a negative impact hampering both f and m's ability to build a secure and loving relationship. Rightly or wrongly, m often perceives f to be stern and critical. He has trouble allowing himself to be vulnerable. As a result past hurts are compounded rather than healed by this union. In turn f fears emotional intimacy, putting up barriers that hinder the growth of this union. On a more positive note other aspects of this relationship may strengthen the bond between f and m enabling them to overcome their difficulties and establish a secure and loving association.

Moon conjunct Saturn
A connection between the planet Saturn and the Moon is important. Saturn is the planet of commitment and stability and is often found in relationships that are long lasting. In other words a serious planet such as Saturn is needed for a serious, meaningful union. m and f are satisfied with the relationship and are willing to persist through troubled times realising that the rewards are great. A satisfying long-term relationship results from their patience and persistence. Together m and f are somewhat reserved, perhaps even withdrawing a little from society to enjoy the benefits of their relationship. They are aware that their relationship is one of the most important building blocks in their lives. There is a certain maturity in this relationship. Perhaps m and f have formed this relationship later in life when they can truly appreciate each other and the life that they are building together. m feels that f is offering security and maturity, enabling him to mature in his emotional and home life. f grows in self-esteem through this relationship, believing that m respects her integrity. On the whole this is a positive combination for an enduring, long-term relationship such as marriage.

To je le majhen vpogled. Če želiš ti lahko pošljem vse aspekte, ki so med vama pa ko to prebereš boš dobila en pregled situacije. Seveda to ni isto kot če ti "profi" to pregleda in interpretira, a če vložiš nekaj časa in volje v pregled tega materiala dobiš koristne informacije. Pošlji mi tvoj mail na ZS pa dobiš.

Kaj pomenijo tvoji planeti v njegovih hišah in vice versa lahko prebereš tu ali tu (levo - synastry by house). Glej karto, ki sem ti jo pripel, da vidiš kam padajo planeti in beri tu interpretacije.

Več o sinastriji najdeš tu.


#6 lunca

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 4 059

Objavljeno: 9. april 2010, 10:23

Poznam eno kozoroginjo, ki o devicah pravi sledeče;
"Device? Za božjo voljo nikoli"
iz tega mi je moč sklepati da se device in kozorogi ne ujemajo.

Zodiakalno se ta dva znamenja ujemata, vsaj sonca sta v trigonu, za neujemanje med to kozoroginjo in devicami, to pa je verjetno precej naporni planeti v devici, mogoče še kakšna slabo aspektirana luna tam in to vse potegne za sabo, da je odnos x:px

#7 Pinka

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 3 716

Objavljeno: 9. april 2010, 14:47

Mars trine Moon
This combination of planets denotes a relationship that is exciting and animated. f and m's discussions are lively and impassioned and their shared pastimes are also likely to be energetic and fun. f and m enjoy spontaneity and both tend to be impulsive when together. Both of them feel that their lives have become more effervescent with the advent of this relationship. f is most likely to feel that m brings excitement into her life. f is aware that m's drive and energy contributes positively to her life. Whereas m feels inspired by the relationship to achieve his goals. m acknowledges that f's support and understanding is helping him to advance in life. There is also likely to be a strong sexual attraction that helps to add a little spice to life. However, this sexual attraction is most powerful when both f and m are feeling comfortable within the association. The attraction can lose its spark when there is emotional tension. Fortunately, this does not happen often. f and m are mostly able to resolve their differences and enjoy an enlivened and satisfying union

tole zgornjo kombinacijo imam s 3 moškimi, ki jih bolje poznam in moram rečt, da to kar piše kar precej čutim ob njih. S tem, da je fora, da sem jaz tisti Mars. Moram rečt, da je ful fajn energija med nami pa tud nekako me umirijo :). Je pa to res dinamičen odnos :)

Poznam eno kozoroginjo, ki o devicah pravi sledeče;
"Device? Za božjo voljo nikoli"

se pridružujem njenemu mnenju :inocent:
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Emerson

#8 Pinka

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 3 716

Objavljeno: 12. april 2010, 12:53

xsmx (pa še vedno ne štekajo zakaj :) )
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Emerson

#9 AnAjchi

  • NeČistZačetnik
  • Pip
  • Št. objav: 3

Objavljeno: 14. april 2010, 11:45

zakaj me tako obtožujete... :V:

#10 Pinka

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 3 716

Objavljeno: 14. april 2010, 13:21

zakaj me tako obtožujete... :V:

nč skrbet sej device so moja šibka točka :sori: žalost :inocent:
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Emerson

#11 dbk

  • Lunin Odvisnik
  • Št. objav: 2 170

Objavljeno: 14. april 2010, 13:33

zakaj me tako obtožujete... :V:

beri spodnji citat, prva vrstica :vragec:

zatu ku smo zlobni škorpijoni :vragec:


jst se na devičke nič kaj ne spoznam, menda ste bolj picajzlaste, en tip se je "razburjal", kako ma razmetano vse, pol je pa dal gor fotko od tega svojga kaosa, pa je blo čist lepo vse spedencano x:Dx tko da, če za druzga ne, ste dobre za kake čistilke x^x

(mal heca, ne se mi skisat zdej x:o)x )

Objavljena slika

:vragec: :vragec: :vragec:

reply na boldan del si pa lahko sama mislis, kaj ti bi lahko bil x:Dx

nč skrbet sej device so moja šibka točka :sori: žalost :inocent:

vicer versa (bilo, pa proslo, ampak je*iga, revenge is sweet, pa ceprav samo z lajanjem v luno oz. jezikanjem cez vaso vrsto) :vragec:

Sometimes I wish
my face wouldn't use its freedom of expression

Objavljena slika

#12 Boyana

  • Vajenček
  • PipPipPipPip
  • Št. objav: 69

Objavljeno: 25. december 2010, 14:27

Telesno se najbrž močno privlačita. Če stojiš svojemu Kozorogu močno ob strani, lahko doseže veliko. Zavedaš si, da je njegov poklicni uspeh za oba zelo pomemben, zato boš zanj storila vse da bo srečen.
Tvoje razpoloženje je precej spremenljivo, on pa se večkrat pogrezne v neke vrste žalost. Nanj naredi globok vtis le bogatstvo, tebe pa to moti. V spolnosti sta najbrž lepo ubran par, nikakor pa nista osebi, katerima bi sex pomenil vse. To je dobra zveza.
To je le nekaj malega iz astrološkega vidika, seveda pa je najpomembnejše, da poslušaš svoje srce. :)


#13 uganka

  • NeČistZačetnik
  • Pip
  • Št. objav: 9

Objavljeno: 13. april 2011, 12:45

hmmmm... jaz mam sonce v devici... moja izkušnja je sledeča, da se je kozorog "orng" zagrel, z moje strani pa žal ni bilo zanimanja... ne vem, preveč krat v pogovoru uporabljena beseda "jaz to" "jaz ono"... veliko "hrupa", na koncu pa "nič narejenega"...ko pa bi bilo treba kaj povedat, kaj pomembnega pa tiiišš vem, pač ni bilo prave energije.... sicer pa, nikoli ne reči nikoli.. mogoče pa bom kdaj še "srečno poročena" s kakšnim kozorogom... :) ;)

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