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Peticije & podpisi

  • Prijavi se, če želiš komentirati
148 komentarjev na to temo

#1 tinka

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 5 486

Objavljeno: 17. september 2004, 14:48

odpiram tole, ker je polno enih stvari, ki bi jih clovek z veseljem podpisal, pa niso pregledne...
od 'free tibet' do 'dajte nam risanke v miru pustit'!!
ce ze mamo kaj takega, se umikam...xsrcx

za zacetek:
RTV zeli ukinit risanko za lahko noc, ker je premalo gledan dnevnik, namesto tega je plan za nek kviz ali kaj podobnega, kjer bi se vec ljudi zbralo pred TV jem.
no ja...ze zajcke so nam ukinili...jaz sem za to, da risanke ostanejo.

Variety is the spice of life.
Kdo lahko spremeni svet?

#2 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • Št. objav: 60 730

Objavljeno: 17. september 2004, 14:55

Kul, prakticno! x8Dx :palec:

Ce pa bo slo za lajfe in tko, pa ne bo vseeno nic narobe, ce bo se kaksna tema v obvestilih. :palec:
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#3 Ksenia

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 14 206

Objavljeno: 17. september 2004, 15:13

evo me, sem že tam x;)x

#4 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • Št. objav: 60 730

Objavljeno: 17. september 2004, 15:15

moti me, ker ni v slovenscini... ne vem zakaj me odbije to... :8):
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#5 tinka

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 5 486

Objavljeno: 17. september 2004, 15:16

ja--- :o|o:

mogoce, ker je mednarodna mreza, mednarodni sajt peticij...
Variety is the spice of life.
Kdo lahko spremeni svet?

#6 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • Št. objav: 60 730

Objavljeno: 17. september 2004, 15:21

... ja, saj... a vseeno nekako... kaj jaz vem, v bistvu gre ravno za Taksno peticijo... potem pa dobis obcutek, aja, kar en softver spletni zastonjski so ubodli pa niti prevest se niso potrudili (*kot bi npr, tu bilo, zgoraj - new posts ipd... nic v slo) - seveda pa ni tako oz. je v tem catch, kar pravis...
no, pac... asociacija...
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#7 tinka

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 5 486

Objavljeno: 17. september 2004, 15:40

je res, ste se vi potrudili, imate zelo malo anglescine, samo par stvari :palec:
Variety is the spice of life.
Kdo lahko spremeni svet?

#8 Ksenia

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 14 206

Objavljeno: 24. september 2004, 19:14

Vceraj dopoldne ja bila na VAL-u 202 oddaja, v kateri so pozivali za prispevek za nabavo aparata za zgodnje ugotavljanaje raka na
dojki.Aparat stane cca. 80.000.000,00 SIT; in ker ima nasa drzava denar za vse druge traparije(ce se lepo izrazim), ni pricakovati, da bi aparat prisel kmalu v alpsko dezelico in bo tako stevilo prepozno ugotovljenih obolenj in tezko ozdravljivih narascalo. Tako so v sodelovanju z MOBITELOM pozvali tiste, ki zelijo prispevati 270 SIT, da posljejo SMS, z vsebino DONNA, na stevilko 1919 in tako dajo svoj prispevek.
Ce posljes ta E-mail 10 osebam, bos ze s tem prispeval-a da bo resenih veliko zivljenj.HVALA vsem, ki boste v akciji sodelovali!

ste tole že dobili na email?

#9 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 11. december 2006, 16:48

Se vec peticij... (sploh se mi zdi primerno, da vse peticije vrstimo v tole temo.. da se zadeva ne porazgubi, obenem pa lahko ena oseba podpise le vec teh, ce tako seveda zeli; namrec osebno se z nekaterimi ne strinjam, ali pac domnevam, da o zadevi vem premalo.

torej, nekatere, za katere menim, da jih je vredno podpisati:

Right now there is a terrible government-sponsored genocide taking place in Darfur, Sudan. Over 2.5 million people have already been driven from their homes and hundreds of thousands more have been brutally murdered by the Janjaweed, a government-sponsored militia.
Darfuri women and girls are under constant threat of rape and physical assault by the Janjaweed. Women and girls as young as eight risk being raped and attacked when they leave their homes or refugee camps to gather firewood and food. Hungry families face a terrible choice each day - do they send out their husbands and sons who may be killed, or their mothers and daughters, who may be raped and beaten? This is a choice no one should ever have to make!
Please join the Save Darfur Coalition in speaking up for these women and girls who have no voice. Sign the petition asking the UN Secretary-General and President Bush to take immediate steps to stop the genocide.

Objavljena slika

Protect Darfur Women from Abuse and Genocide

We need real solutions to one of the most important problems facing our country and our world, global warming.
New Congress: Act Now on Energy and Global Warming!
Take action now to ensure that when Congress reconvenes in January, clean energy and global warming are top priorities on their agenda.
Send a message to the new Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, and the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, urging swift action on global warming and clean energy.Objavljena slika

Več peticij >>>

#10 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 14. december 2006, 23:46


Americans want a new direction, and there is momentum to solve our energy problems. We can start by investing in a new energy future and no longer giving away billions of dollars to Big Oil, and there is real momentum in Congress to do just that. Representative Nancy Pelosi has stated that one of her top priorities when Congress convenes in January will be to repeal the most outrageous handouts to Big Oil and invest that money in clean, renewable energy.

So far 2,700 people have signed our Stop Handouts to Big Oil petition. To sign, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser:



Oil Company Profits Continue to Skyrocket

Big oil companies are swimming in a sea of record-breaking profits while American consumers and taxpayers pay the price. In 2005, the world's biggest oil companies reported a combined $111 billion in profits. In the first three quarters of 2006 they reported more than $94 billion.

Some of the biggest oil company profits in 2005 were:
* ExxonMobil: $36.1 billion
* Royal Dutch Shell: $25.3 billion
* BP: $22.3 billion
* ConocoPhillips: $13.5 billion
* Chevron Texaco $14.1 billion

Federal Handouts Lavish Billions on Oil and Gas Companies

Despite earning record profits, oil and gas companies continue to benefit from billions in handouts courtesy of American taxpayers. Between tax incentives, below-market fees for drilling on public lands, research and development subsidies and accounting gimmicks, these companies will receive more than $31.6 billion from the federal government over the next five years.

Specifically, these handouts break down as follows:
* Tax breaks: $16 billion
* Research and development subsidies: $1.8 billion
* Below-market fees for drilling on public lands: $9.5 billion
* Accounting gimmicks: $4.3 billion
* Total: $31.6 billion

Some of most outrageous handouts to Big Oil include a deduction allowing oil and gas companies to write off taxes and fees paid to foreign governments. This giveaway is not only a boon for Big Oil, but also for the governments of the world's major oil-producing nations, many of which are openly hostile to American interests. According to estimates from the Joint Committee on Taxation, modifying the deduction would save taxpayers $325 million over the next five years.

Another costly and unfair handout allows companies drilling for oil and natural gas in publicly-owned waters and on publicly-owned lands to pay below-market fees, or royalties, for the resources they extract. These royalty payments provide needed resources to the Land and Water Conservation Fund, Historic Preservation Trust Fund, the oil-producing states and the federal treasury. Schemes that let oil companies off the hook for their royalty obligations will cost taxpayers at least $9.5 billion over the next five years.

Congress is pumping more than $1.8 billion into federal research and development, including one provision in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to give $1.5 billion to an oil consortium in Representative Tom DeLay's home district of Sugarland, TX.

Representative Nancy Pelosi has stated that one of her top priorities when Congress convenes in January will be to repeal the most outrageous handouts to Big Oil and invest that money in clean, renewable energy.

So far 2,700 people have signed our Stop Handouts to Big Oil petition. To sign, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser:



Anna Aurilio
U.S. PIRG Legislative Director

P.S. Thanks again for your support. Please feel free to share this e-mail with your family and friends.

#11 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 8. januar 2007, 00:00


Milijon Evropejcev zahteva opustitev jedrske energije.

Dosedaj naj bi jo podpisalo ze pol miljona evropejcev..

klikni na banner (angleski jezik ali durgi evropski...)

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v slovenskem jeziku

dodaj banner ali povezavo na svojo stran, stran z bannerji

#12 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 14. januar 2007, 23:48

29.000 Children Will Die Today

And each and every one of their deaths is avoidable. They’ll die from absolutely preventable diseases like malaria, measles and diarrhea.
We know exactly HOW to save the lives of these kids - with an integrated package of low-cost/high-impact solutions like bed nets to fight malaria, immunizations for measles and tetanus, antibiotics to cure pneumonia, and clean water to prevent diarrhea.

Let your members of Congress know that you want them to vote to save the lives of 29,000 children every day.

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#13 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 15. januar 2007, 00:06

Dear friends,

Just when we thought the war in Iraq couldn't get any worse—it has. Last night, President Bush rejected reality, spurned the American people's verdict, and announced his new policy: military escalation in Iraq.
The newly elected United States Congress has the power to stop this madness, but it's critical to show immediate, unified opposition from the international community.
So MoveOn is helping launch Avaaz, a new international partnership to mobilize progressive global voices. We're starting with an emergency worldwide petition to the U.S. Congress and a powerful full-page ad in "Roll Call"—the Washington DC newspaper read by every member of Congress and their staff.

Click to see the ad and sign the petition:

After years of failed occupation, it's clear to everyone but George Bush that the US cannot solve this civil conflict through force. As Bush's own top military advisors and commanders in the field have said, sending tens of thousands more American troops will only fan the flames of this war.
World opinion matters: The American people understand the US can't police the globe by itself. That's why, before the original invasion, Bush worked so hard to promote the involvement of Tony Blair and a few other select world leaders to win over reluctant members of Congress.
Today, Bush stands completely alone—but it's our job to bring this point home in Washington. The ad in Roll Call highlights Tony Blair's decision to withdraw troops in direct opposition to Bush's proposed escalation. And the petition will help show where the global public stands.

The Bush administration is already twisting arms and doing everything it can to push this escalation through. Congress may yet find the courage to resist—if we help them—but there's no time to lose.

Add your name to the petition. Spread the word to your friends. The Iraq crisis is a global problem. Together we have the power, and the responsibility, to help change course.


–Eli Pariser Political Action
January 11, 2006

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

#14 Alan_New

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 5 580

Objavljeno: 18. januar 2007, 18:22

Objavljena slika
Possible—but highly unlikely.

#15 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 19. januar 2007, 00:46

ne dela povezava, oz. mislim da ni tocna no...? :inocent:

#16 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 20. januar 2007, 00:31

Save Darfur CoalitionObjavljena slika

Next Tuesday President Bush will set out his top priorities for the year when he delivers his annual State of the Union address to Congress.
We need your help to make sure the President emphasizes the urgency of ending the crisis in Darfur in his speech.

Please click here to ask President Bush to highlight his plan for Darfur when he addresses the nation on Tuesday.

Tuesday's State of the Union address provides an opportunity to ensure that ending the genocide in Darfur is a central part of the President's agenda and a top priority for the new Congress.
But there is another, even more critical reason why we need your help to reach out to President Bush today.
Right now, infamous Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is making a bid to become the next president of the African Union (AU) -- the very same international organization of African nations whose peacekeepers are trying to stem the violence in Darfur.
President Bashir's own policies have already led to the death and displacement of millions of Darfuris. We must do everything we can to stop President Bashir from become President of the African Union or more innocent Darfuris will pay the price.
Please join us in contacting President Bush right now to urge him to make Darfur a priority in his speech and to do everything in his power to prevent President Bashir from taking control of the African Union.
Click here to send your letter to President Bush now.
Once you've sent your letter to the President, help us spread the word about this urgent effort by forwarding this message to your friends and family.

Thank you again for your support.
Best regards,
David Rubenstein

#17 Alan_New

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 5 580

Objavljeno: 20. januar 2007, 09:30

ne dela povezava, oz. mislim da ni tocna no...? :inocent:

Hvala za opozorilo. Zdaj dela. x:)x
Possible—but highly unlikely.

#18 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 20. januar 2007, 12:07

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#19 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 24. januar 2007, 09:27

Prvega februarja ugasnimo vse luči med 19.55 in 20.00 uro

Prvi del velike akcije proti klimatskim spremembam, ki jih ustvarjamo ljudje, se bo zgodil na dan 1. februarja 2007. Skupina okolju prijaznih aktivistov L'Alliance pour la Planete ( poziva ljudi, da osvobodimo planet Zemljo vsaj za pet minut - naj Zemlja počiva!
V ta namen prosijo vse ljudi na Zemlji, da 1. februarja med 19.55 in 20.00 pogasnemo vse luči.

To ni namenjeno samo varčevanju energije, s tem namreč v svet dajemo sporočilo, ki bo privabilo politike in voditelje. Čas je zanje, da napravijo akcijo in se pričnejo izogibati preveliki potrošnji energije. V času teh 5 minut bomo pomagali planetu k počitku - 5 minut ni veliko in nas ne bo nič stalo. Pomembno pa je, da dajemo to izjavo pred javnimi volitvami.

Na dan 1. februarja bo v Parizu objavljen nov dokument ameriških strokovnjakov za klimo. Pri tem lahko pokažemo na nujnost svetovne klimatološke situacije. Če se vsakdo udeleži te akcije, bo imela učinek na medije, politiko, kar je pomembno tudi pred belgijskimi volitvami.

Posredujte to sporočilo prijateljem, družinam, lokalnim politikom, dajte v časopis, blog, posredujte vsem ljudem, ki jih poznate!

Včeraj smo si pogledali film The Future of food, ki smo ga dobili po e-pošti, v skadu z okoljskimi spremembami, toplo priporočamo, da si ga ogledate.

vir: sonceve pozitivke

#20 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 25. januar 2007, 11:12

Hundreds of thousands of Americans will march to their capital city Washington DC on Saturday 27 January. It could be the rebirth of the US peace movement. People round the world - let’s join the march with our own global internet protest! Last week, our ad told decision-makers in Congress how strong world opposition is to Bush’s escalation in Iraq.

#21 tinka

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 5 486

Objavljeno: 25. januar 2007, 12:23

Clanom DKLT
Pozdravljeni, na sajt smo pravkar dodali peticijo za
strpnejso ureditev kajenja v gostinskih lokalih !

Prosim, takoj posredujte obvestilo o peticiji v cimvecjem stevilu
naprej prijateljem, ker je do 20.1.2007 , ko jo vlada MORA upostevati
kot prispevek v javni razpravi, se zelo malo casa.

Vazno: Peticijo podpisite z imenom IN priimkom ter krajem, sicer vas
glas ne bo imel prave teze.

Posljite obvestila o peticiji cim hitreje in cim vec ljudem (po mailu
in po SMSjih! LP.

Peticija: http://www.petitiono...i/petition.html

Prosim, podpisi in posreduj naprej!

Poziv k strpnosti pri ureditvi kajenja v gostinskih lokalih
Po novem bo v Sloveniji kajenje v gostinskih lokalih v celoti
prepovedano. Dovoljeno bo le v kadilnicah, ki ne smejo presegati 10%
prostora (gre za prozorne kabine v velikosti 2 kvadratnih metrov,
predvidene za 3-4 ljudi, ki so ze v ponudbi na slovenskem trgu).
Pomislite, kaj to pomeni za veliko skupino ljudi, ki jim je glavna
oblika medsebojnega druzenja obisk lokalov in kaj to pomeni za
gostince, ki zivijo od obiska v svojih lokalih. Najbrz je jasno, da se
bodo kadilci pod takimi pogoji obisku lokalov raje odpovedali (da ne
bodo prenehali kaditi, kazejo izkusnje iz Irske – vecletna popolna
prepoved je znizala stevilo kadilcev za samo 4%).
Predlog zakona je v javni razpravi in nanj lahko vplivamo s svojimi mnenji.
Ali ne bi bile bolj ustrezne resitve, ki jih prav tako poznajo v EU in ZDA?
1. do 30% skupnih prostorov za kadilce (npr. Belgija, Spanija) pri
cemer so kadilski prostori fizicno loceni, s strogo predpisanimi
standardi ventilacije in samopostreznim rezimom; ali
2. delitev lokalov na kadilske in nekadilske, pri cemer morajo imeti
oboji jasne oznake na vhodu, s tem da se nekadilski lokali spodbujajo
z davcnimi olajsavami in imajo zato lahko nizje cene in tako ostanejo
Menimo, da bi bila taksna resitev ustrezna za nekadilce, kadilce in gostince.
Ce podpirate ta predlog, podpisite peticijo o strpnejsi ureditvi
rezima kajenja v gostinskih lokalih.
(zaradi verodostojnosti se prosim podpisite z imenom, priimkom in krajem.)

Tudi ce peticije ne boste podpisali, jo prosim posljite naprej v
vednost drugim!

Ce zelite vec informacij o moznih nacinih sodelovanja v javni
razpravi, obiscite ali posljite mail na
Variety is the spice of life.
Kdo lahko spremeni svet?

#22 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 26. januar 2007, 00:41

Dear ONE Member,

In his State of the Union, the president not only highlighted extreme poverty as a national priority, but also announced Dikembe Matombo, NBA star and ONE member, as his special guest.
We've come a long way.
In the past, presidents have sometimes failed to even mention the fight against extreme poverty. In part, because of your work over the last year, President Bush reaffirmed his commitment to the fight against extreme poverty and global AIDS. Now we need to make sure that the White House takes the next step for this bold vision by fully funding poverty-focused development assistance in his 2008 budget request.
Send a letter to President Bush asking him to fully fund the fight against extreme poverty and global disease in his budget request to Congress.
As Congress and the president work together in the coming year, we have an opportunity to make real progress. Both parties agree that development assistance is one of the most cost-effective and powerful tools we have to create a better, safer world. Yet, the United States is ranked next to last amongst wealthy countries in terms of how much we spend on lifting up developing nations. The amount of money it takes to save lives and help developing countries is tiny -- just an additional 1% -- compared to our massive 2.8 trillion dollar federal budget.
This is one of our best opportunities to change that. When the president submits his budget request to Congress in the next two weeks, it will shape the conversation for the coming year. At this moment, a letter from you means so much more, because the president so rarely hears from constituents about global poverty.
Send a letter to President Bush asking him to fully fund poverty-focused development assistance in his 2008 budget request.
We have come a long way in the last two years, imagine what we can achieve in two more.

Thank you for your voice,
Josh Peck,

Objavljena slika

Time may be running out for Arctic polar bears in Canada.

Global warming is causing temperatures to rise. And warmer temperatures means less ice - a polar bear's natural hunting and breeding ground.
For this irreplaceable symbol of the Arctic, climate change could lead to extinction.

Not long ago, you signed the petition "Tell ExxonMobil: Protect Polar Bears, Not Profits!" and took action to slow global climate change. In the Arctic north, rising temperatures threaten the entire ecosystem. But polar bears and their babies are particularly at risk.
What more can we do to protect these beautiful creatures before it's too late?
Tell Canada to protect Arctic polar bear habitat and slow the effects of global warming that threaten the bears! >>
Warmer temperatures mean less pack ice - ice that polar bears depend on for survival. As their natural habitat gets warmer and decreases in size, polar bears are robbed of precious breeding and hunting ground. What's more, fewer baby polar bears will be able to survive because of the unnatural climate.
For the polar bear, a majestic symbol of the Arctic, climate change could lead to extinction. We need your voice again today in order to protect polar bears and slow global climate change in Canada's treasured Far North. Consider the following:
Temperatures in the Arctic are rising at almost twice the rate as the rest of the world.
Since 1978, Arctic sea area ice has shrunk by more than 8 percent per decade.
Greenland's massive ice sheet holds enough melt water to raise sea level by approximately 7 meters (23 feet).
Because of climate change, sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica, and over a million species worldwide could be forced into extinction by 2050. These facts are shocking, but this doesn't have to be the case!
Thank you for everything you do to protect irreplaceable wildlife and natural habitat.

Robyn E.
Care2 and
ThePetitionSite Team
P.S. Polar bears are the world's largest land-based predators, but despite being master hunters they face threats from climate change they cannot overcome - unless we do something about it.

#23 free

  • Srebrni član
  • Št. objav: 16 801

Objavljeno: 31. januar 2007, 10:33

Did you know that 2.5 million people have been driven from their homes in Darfur, Sudan? Each day, they face threats that are hard for us to even imagine including rape, disease, and starvation.
These people need our help to put an end to the genocide and they need it NOW.
Please join me in taking the first step to stopping the violence.
Click here to sign the Save Darfur Coalition's petition urging new UN Secretary-General Ban to take immediate steps to stop the killing.
Together, we can make a difference in the lives of millions of people in the region who desperately need outside help.
The Save Darfur Coalition is urging the international community to prevent further killings, displacement, and rape by deploying the UN peacekeeping force that has already been authorized, strengthen the understaffed African Union force that is already in Darfur, establish a no-fly zone, increase humanitarian aid, and ensure access for delivery of food, medication and other essential supplies.

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#24 tinka

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 5 486

Objavljeno: 2. februar 2007, 15:29

Veter z juga in smrtonosni Rockwool

To ni angleški izraz za Boškarina, istrskega vola, a tudi ne istrski Rock&roll, temveč nevarnost, ki grozi tudi nam z juga Istre. Pri Pićanu jugovzhodno od Pazina se je že pričela gradnja največje tovarne kamene volne na svetu. Lokalne in državne oblasti so s prevaro lokalnega prebivalstva dobesedno podarile velik kos zemljišča in se za deset let odpovedale dajatvam, da bi tam zgradili največjo tovarno kamene volne na svetu s katastrofalnimi posledicami za okolje. Zgodba, ki nam je že znana iz naših primerov borbe proti plinskim terminalom v Žavljah in na morju v Tržaškem zalivu, se ponavlja. Zakonodaja je kršena na več področjih in hrvaške oblasti se obnašajo, kot, da zanje zakoni in predpisi ne veljajo.

Zaradi tega je bil v soboto, 27. januarja 2007 v Pićnu organiziran prvi protestni shod proti gradnji tovarne kamene volne, katerega se je udeležilo več sto ljudi. Po poročanju ekoloških organizacij hrvaške Istre so bili ob neposredno prizadetih krajanih prisotni tudi protestniki iz ostalih delov Hrvaške in kar nekaj Slovencev. Zbrali so že preko 6.500 podpisov Istranov, ki so proti tej ekološko sporni gradnji.

IstraGlede na to, da so pogosti prevladujoči vetrovi pri nas jugovzhodni in da že leta vdihavamo strupene snovi iz Plominskih termoelektrarn, se nam obetajo še velike količine drugih kancerogenih snovi. Iz treh dimnikov, ki bodo visoki 75, 30 in 10 metrov, bodo v okolje spuščali na tone žveplenih oksidov, raznih kislin, ogljikov monoksid, spojine težkih kovin, dioksin, amoniak in kancerogene organske snovi. Bazalt, surovina za proizvodnjo kamene volne, ki jo bodo uvažali, je radioaktivna, kar pomeni, da bodo v ozračje uhajale radioaktivne snovi, ki se v okolju kopičijo, ker se radioaktivnost ne zmanjšuje v kratkem časovnem obdobju. Količine nekaterih zdravju škodljivih snovi, ki jih bodo spuščali v okolje, bodo za 200%, 300% in 500% višje od količine ki jo dovoljujejo predpisi EU, a izpusti žveplenih oksidov pa bodo celo za 3.600% presegali predpise EU.

Hrvaška Istra s termo centralo v Plominu, ki nima vgrajenih filtrov in z betonarno v bližini Labina, kjer so sežigali zdravila in ima državno koncesijo za zažiganje starih avtomobilskih gum, kar je po predpisih EU izrecno prepovedano, saj te vsebujejo vrsto kancerogenih snovi, vedno bolj ogroža zdravje Istranov in prebivalcev sosednjih pokrajin.

Naša vlada, ki bi morala biti pozorna na take kršitve predpisov sosednjih držav, pa je zaposlena sama s sabo in uspavana od opojnosti oblastniških užitkov. Tu pa tam pošlje kakšno diplomatsko noto, tako zaradi javnosti.

Video sposnetek protestnega shoda si lahko ogledate na naslednji povezavi tukaj

vir: d=14688

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Objavljeno: 19. februar 2007, 08:25

Stop the dolphin and whale killings in Taiji

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