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Ožganost planetov

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87 komentarjev na to temo

#51 klarus

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 10 165

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 06:51

kazimi je samo s pravi, planet mora biti čisto blizu oz na soncu ;)

Cazimi (also spelled Casimi, and sometimes called Zaminium) is a technical Arabic word meaning "heart of the Sun" or "in the heart of the Sun." It is an astrological/astronomical term meaning a planet that is in exact conjunction with or very near the precise center of the solar disc. A planet that forms a conjunction with the Sun within 17' (arc minutes) of partile (exactitude) is said to be Cazimi, literally engulfed and fortified by Sol and, as it also may be interpreted, "in the heart of the Sun." According to a psychological approach to astrology the Sun, representing the Ego, engulfs the energies of the planet in Cazimi and is said to imbue it with the intensely positive and life-giving energy and power of the Sun.

In traditional astrology, any planet is combust the sun when it is within 10 degrees of the sun either approaching or departing. Being combust the sun, or "under the sun's beams" as William Lilly called it, weakens a planet's strength. As astrologer John Frawley has explained, the sun is extremely powerful and "outshines" anything close to it. Consider the sun like a great king. In the court of the great king, any person who enters the court, no matter how great his reputation or how incomparable her beauty, must be humble before the king. Thus, their greatness is diminished. But cazimi, being right in the heart of the sun, is like being allowed into the very throne room or private chambers of a great king. This is the fortunate position of being highly favored by the sun, like a king who brings only a select few into his private chambers and bestows wealth and privilege upon them and listens to their deepest concerns with a mindset to help them.

British astrologer Deborah Houlding calls Cazimi "a state of solar-empowered brilliance, where the two planets are fused to act as one."

Even though Cazimi has traditionally been thought to strengthen the planet's influence as much as being combust the Sun weakens a planet, some modern astrologers disagree with the traditional method of calculating planetary strength and weakness in a chart. Their view of cazimi, as in all conjunctions, is that the positive or negative outcome of the influence will vary according to the nature of the planet(s) involved. So for a modern astrologer, Mars either cazimi or combust the sun is strengthened because Mars is considered fiery and hot, and thus benefits from meeting the fiery heat of the sun. But cold and dry Saturn would weaken when either combust or cazimi, because the nature of the sun is damaging to Saturn. Modern astrologers usually make no distinction between a planet being combust the sun or cazimi.
There is
One Mind,
One Truth,
One Source in the Universe,
and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

#52 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • Št. objav: 60 730

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 09:01

Upam, da sem prav zasledila - ožganost do 5° pa to...

nekje vmes si uspela zasledit tud to, ja. x:o)x x;)x

sej tko je pogosto, zal.....
ne bi clowk verjel, kwa tkole vids, k se lohk fajn izkorisca v svoj prid, da astrologija ni eksaktna znanost.

pa nima en astrolog nobene konjunkcije, nobenga planetka v okultnih...... pol pa mal 'raztegne' orbis, mal vrh hise zamuti pa se sklicuje na ne vem kaj in koga, pa ma pol tud konjunkcije in okultne sposobnosti itd., "boljse" ascendente in lune celo x:Dx x:o)x in taksno...
da noute mislil da tega ni in da kar nekaj govorim, tega je zal velik, prevec (=kakor komu bolj ustreza, po sebi in svojem sinu, necakinji in 2 prjatlcah sklepajoc)! x:o)x :o|o:
bomo mel pa zato 320 000 poklicnih astrologov schnell kurs variante... in par krogov se bo obrnil, dok reces kex, pa bo konjunkcija do 15 stopinj in podobno (zgal se bodo pa do 9 :D ;) - k je to ful *in* :D :D ;))

5 stopinj oddaljen planet ali tocka predstavlja konjunkcijo. xyesx
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#53 loonanai

  • ŽeČistoDomači
  • Št. objav: 399

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 09:09

Rekla sem na asc, ker mam v zadnjem času (kot sem omenila) veliko novih znank in znancev, ki imajo Neptun na asc ... in sami sebe opisujejo kot cmerave. :)

Jaah, nisem ravno cmerava - je pa res, kar je rekla lunca - veliko obrazov. Ampak ne v smislu jokerja, ko ima dva obraza - enega dobrega enega slabega, ampak mislim, da so to obrazi v smislu, da prikrijemo svojo bolečino. Kaj pa vem.

Sem pa malo brskala po netu za tale Cazim Jupitra - nisem nič dobila. Razen, da je redek eklips. Zdaj me še toliko bolj zanima xrolleyesx x?x

5 stopinj oddaljen planet ali tocka predstavlja konjunkcijo. xyesx

x;)x x:Ix

pa nima en astrolog nobene konjunkcije, nobenga planetka v okultnih......

Vem, da se najbrž ponavlja, ampak - kateri planeti so najbolj okultni? In kateri njihovi aspekti?
(prosim, ne biti jezne, če sprašujem najbolj osnovne stvari x:Dx x:Dx )
sleepwalking past hope

#54 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • Št. objav: 60 730

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 09:10

xDDx x;)x
okultne hise sem mislila s tem (nc nima v okultnih... hisah se pa kao ve x:Dx x;)x)

sicer pa, ja, lohk pac *okultnost* pripisemo uranu, neptunu in plutonu, tud luni.

okultne hise pa so vodne hise: 4., 8. in 12.
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#55 lunca

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 4 059

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 09:13

kazimi je samo s pravi, planet mora biti čisto blizu oz na soncu ;)

Cazimi (also spelled Casimi, and sometimes called Zaminium) is a technical Arabic word meaning "heart of the Sun" or "in the heart of the Sun." It is an astrological/astronomical term meaning a planet that is in exact conjunction with or very near the precise center of the solar disc. A planet that forms a conjunction with the Sun within 17' (arc minutes) of partile (exactitude) is said to be Cazimi, literally engulfed and fortified by Sol and, as it also may be interpreted, "in the heart of the Sun." According to a psychological approach to astrology the Sun, representing the Ego, engulfs the energies of the planet in Cazimi and is said to imbue it with the intensely positive and life-giving energy and power of the Sun.

In traditional astrology, any planet is combust the sun when it is within 10 degrees of the sun either approaching or departing. Being combust the sun, or "under the sun's beams" as William Lilly called it, weakens a planet's strength. As astrologer John Frawley has explained, the sun is extremely powerful and "outshines" anything close to it. Consider the sun like a great king. In the court of the great king, any person who enters the court, no matter how great his reputation or how incomparable her beauty, must be humble before the king. Thus, their greatness is diminished. But cazimi, being right in the heart of the sun, is like being allowed into the very throne room or private chambers of a great king. This is the fortunate position of being highly favored by the sun, like a king who brings only a select few into his private chambers and bestows wealth and privilege upon them and listens to their deepest concerns with a mindset to help them.

British astrologer Deborah Houlding calls Cazimi "a state of solar-empowered brilliance, where the two planets are fused to act as one."

Even though Cazimi has traditionally been thought to strengthen the planet's influence as much as being combust the Sun weakens a planet, some modern astrologers disagree with the traditional method of calculating planetary strength and weakness in a chart. Their view of cazimi, as in all conjunctions, is that the positive or negative outcome of the influence will vary according to the nature of the planet(s) involved. So for a modern astrologer, Mars either cazimi or combust the sun is strengthened because Mars is considered fiery and hot, and thus benefits from meeting the fiery heat of the sun. But cold and dry Saturn would weaken when either combust or cazimi, because the nature of the sun is damaging to Saturn. Modern astrologers usually make no distinction between a planet being combust the sun or cazimi.

Teoretično je res tko, kot si prekopirala post, vendar se v nekaterih primerih v konjukciji sonca in jupitra kaže ta konjukcija malo drugače. Jupiter zato ni poškodovan, ampak v prvi hiši daje res tisti pravi sonček, oseba je ful odprta, izžareva optimizem, to pomeni, da se sonce in jupiter precej podpirata, seveda pa je vse odvisno kako sta v natalu aspektirana. Če je konjukcija podvržena slabemu aspektu npr. s saturnom, potem je ta konjukcija precej blokirana. Enostavno ni smiselno gledat samo ene konjukcije.

#56 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • Št. objav: 60 730

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 09:15

to pomeni, da se sonce in jupiter precej podpirata

seveda, delujeta z vzajemno mocjo, saj tud jupiter 'zhge'.
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#57 loonanai

  • ŽeČistoDomači
  • Št. objav: 399

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 10:57

seveda, delujeta z vzajemno mocjo, saj tud jupiter 'zhge'.

Potem predvidevam, da Jupiter deluje s svojimi pozitivnimi lastnostmi?
sleepwalking past hope

#58 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • Št. objav: 60 730

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 11:07

Potem predvidevam, da Jupiter deluje s svojimi pozitivnimi lastnostmi?

ja. lahko (predvidevas). x:)x
prav tako pa lahko domnevas tud, da bosta drug drugega *przhila*..
in poleg *srecne* scene in tega ah in oh, jupiter srecni planet in to :vragec: x;)x, je LAHKO* to total megalomanija, pozresnost, nagnjenje k debelosti, dionizijsko uzivastvo in podobno (telesno: tezave s srcem, jetri, histerija, scitnica itd.). x:o)x :sori: xyesx
(*kajti nic ni izvzeto od ostalega, nicesar ne mroemo gledati cisto povsem loceno)...
skratka, nic ni samo *dobro* in nic samo **slabo**. xDDx

jemljemo pa ponavadi jupiter kot pozitiven planet, ja, ki, kljub temu, da je precej oddaljen in je ze 'na meji' z oddaljenimi (kot zevs, ki je 'most'), je zelo velik (najvecji) in ima tudi ali predvsem zato lahko sploh tok mocen vpliv.
seveda je ta vpliv mocnejsi ali sibkejsi glede na znamenje in hiso, v kateri(h) se pojavi.

ampak ce vzamemo samo naravo konjunkcije (najmocnejsi aspekt, poleg opozicije) in dve mocni nebesni telesi, je tako jasno in logicno, da *dela*, tudi ce se znajde v 'sibkejsih' znakih in hisah/mestih. x:)x
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#59 klarus

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 10 165

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 11:08

kaj sploh pomeni combust x?x
There is
One Mind,
One Truth,
One Source in the Universe,
and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

#60 dbk

  • Lunin Odvisnik
  • Št. objav: 2 170

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 11:18

kaj sploh pomeni combust x?x

nekaj v smislu zgoreti...

com·bust (km-bst)
v. com·bust·ed, com·bust·ing, com·busts
a. To catch fire; burst into flame: The fire started when a pile of oily rags spontaneously combusted.
b. To undergo combustion; burn: As the fuels were combusting they gave off noxious vapors.
2. To become suddenly angry or agitated: The defendant combusted when he heard the verdict.
1. To cause to burn; ignite.
2. To cause to become angry or violent: riots that are combusting whole provinces.

Sometimes I wish
my face wouldn't use its freedom of expression

Objavljena slika

#61 loonanai

  • ŽeČistoDomači
  • Št. objav: 399

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 11:21

in poleg *srecne* scene in tega ah in oh, jupiter srecni planet in to :vragec: x;)x, je LAHKO* to total megalomanija, pozresnost, nagnjenje k debelosti, dionizijsko uzivastvo in podobno (telesno: tezave s srcem, jetri, histerija, scitnica itd.).

Nisem vedela, da je srečni planet...

No, tole so moje "lastnosti", če je vidno kaj iz tega vsega. Vi ste vsi mojstri na tem področju, meni se (še) nič ne sanja. :eek: Je kakšna posebnost v moji karti? Upam, da nisem preveč vsiljiva - samo zelo firbčna x:Ix

Planetary positionsplanet sign degree motion
Sun Virgo 16°00'35 in house 9 direct
Moon Virgo 6°14'01 in house 8 direct
Mercury Virgo 27°22'25 in house 9 direct
Venus Leo 0°49'30 in house 8 direct
Mars Scorpio 6°45'46 in house 10 direct
Jupiter Virgo 19°42'01 in house 9 direct
Saturn Virgo 28°24'20 in house 9 direct
Uranus Scorpio 22°10'59 in house 11 direct
Neptune Sagittarius 19°55'07 in house 1 direct
Pluto Libra 20°18'45 in house 10 direct
True Node Leo 20°09'19 in house 8 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)Ascendant Sagittarius 18°48'14
2nd House Capricorn 26°32'10
3rd House Pisces 9°59'58
Imum Coeli Aries 15°31'44
5th House Taurus 11°11'58
6th House Gemini 1°06'02
Descendant Gemini 18°48'14
8th House Cancer 26°32'10
9th House Virgo 9°59'58
Medium Coeli Libra 15°31'44
11th House Scorpio 11°11'58
12th House Sagittarius 1°06'02

Major aspectsSun Conjunction Jupiter 3°41
Sun Sextile Uranus 6°10
Sun Square Neptune 3°55
Sun Square Ascendant 2°48
Moon Sextile Mars 0°32
Mercury Sextile Venus 3°27
Mercury Conjunction Saturn 1°02
Mercury Sextile Uranus 5°11
Venus Square Mars 5°56
Venus Sextile Saturn 2°25
Jupiter Sextile Uranus 2°29
Jupiter Square Neptune 0°13
Jupiter Square Ascendant 0°54
Neptune Sextile Pluto 0°24
Neptune Conjunction Ascendant 1°07
Pluto Sextile Ascendant 1°31
Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).

Objavljena slika
sleepwalking past hope

#62 loonanai

  • ŽeČistoDomači
  • Št. objav: 399

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 11:26

Uf devička :eek: x:Dx In to močna ...


Ja, ampak sem zadnjič slišala, da po 33 letu začne prevladovat ascendent. Kaj pa vem... Mislim, da mi kar tole bolj drži - Strelka po duši... x:o)x
sleepwalking past hope

#63 dbk

  • Lunin Odvisnik
  • Št. objav: 2 170

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 11:45


Ja, ampak sem zadnjič slišala, da po 33 letu začne prevladovat ascendent.

ce prav vidim datum na karti bo po napovedih itak prej konec sveta (2012, menda), preden ti v kristusova leta prides x:Dx

Sometimes I wish
my face wouldn't use its freedom of expression

Objavljena slika

#64 loonanai

  • ŽeČistoDomači
  • Št. objav: 399

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 11:47


neeeeeeee, jest bi bila strelkaaa
sleepwalking past hope

#65 dbk

  • Lunin Odvisnik
  • Št. objav: 2 170

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 11:48 x:px

Sometimes I wish
my face wouldn't use its freedom of expression

Objavljena slika

#66 loonanai

  • ŽeČistoDomači
  • Št. objav: 399

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 12:05

Hehe... Pravijo, da še nekaj let ne sprejemajo novih članov.
sleepwalking past hope

#67 klarus

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 10 165

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 13:52


Ja, ampak sem zadnjič slišala, da po 33 letu začne prevladovat ascendent. Kaj pa vem... Mislim, da mi kar tole bolj drži - Strelka po duši... x:o)x

ma sej si strelka x:Dx asc v strelcu in 4. planetki v 9. hiši, ki je strelčeva hiša ;)
čeprav je kar nekaj ribjega v tebi(sploh izgled) ker imaš na asc neptuna(tud js)
There is
One Mind,
One Truth,
One Source in the Universe,
and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

#68 loonanai

  • ŽeČistoDomači
  • Št. objav: 399

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 14:17

ma sej si strelka x:Dx asc v strelcu in 4. planetki v 9. hiši, ki je strelčeva hiša ;)
čeprav je kar nekaj ribjega v tebi(sploh izgled) ker imaš na asc neptuna(tud js)

9H - strelčeva? Nisem ved'la. Lepo!

Kaj bi lahko bilo ribjega? Hmmm - čustva - zmeda v čustvih?? x:Dx Usoda z ribami (mami, partner)?? Izgled?? Barva oči?. Kakšne so tvoje lastnosti - kot ascendent-neptun? Jaz sem nekje slišala, da imamo lahko identitetne krize, da se izgubljamo. Baje je bil Jezus Kristus tudi asc-nept. :o|o:
sleepwalking past hope

#69 klarus

  • Lunatik
  • Št. objav: 10 165

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 15:15

ma bol to, da se znaš spremenit v sekundi..da te ne more skor noben vsako situacijo nov obraz...
seveda ubijalske učke x:px
ribja občutljivost..itd
There is
One Mind,
One Truth,
One Source in the Universe,
and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

#70 loonanai

  • ŽeČistoDomači
  • Št. objav: 399

Objavljeno: 18. junij 2008, 16:29

JA, vse to... :palec:
sleepwalking past hope

#71 Michelle

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 10 200

Objavljeno: 7. junij 2010, 18:24

in poleg *srecne* scene in tega ah in oh, jupiter srecni planet in to :vragec: x;)x, je LAHKO* to total megalomanija, pozresnost, nagnjenje k debelosti, dionizijsko uzivastvo in podobno (telesno: tezave s srcem, jetri, histerija, scitnica itd.). x:o)x :sori: xyesx

:C: :xx!: :xx!:
Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.

#72 Pinka

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 3 716

Objavljeno: 8. junij 2010, 18:09

eno tako.. tipično Objavljena slika

seks?Objavljena slika
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Emerson

#73 Pinka

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 3 716

Objavljeno: 8. junij 2010, 18:32

..hehe, sco. so takoj zdravn , Objavljena slika
Objavljena slika in valjda, takoj za seks Objavljena slika

če si pa Marsa omenjala Objavljena slika
mogoče visok ego?Objavljena slika
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Emerson

#74 nataly

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 8 410

Objavljeno: 9. junij 2010, 07:19

Pa tut "naša" Nataly ima EKSAKTNO konjunkcijo sonca in neptuna v 1. hiši v strelcu.


v nulo natančno ja

če že hočete iz prve roke: tisto izpred par let - ko sem gruntala o telesnem vplivu neptuna itak drži. Če je sonce je telo, ne more biti čustvovanje, ali pa vsaj ne v takšni meri.

Življenje je to, kar se ti dogaja, medtem, ko planiraš druge reči.


#75 Pinka

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 3 716

Objavljeno: 9. junij 2010, 14:29

**Pinka, na žalost kr daleč od velikega ega, najbrž, ker je v Kozorogu Objavljena slika

hm mogoče pa res...Objavljena slika


pri meni pa Sonček žge Uranč sploh še nisem nikoli razmišljala kaj bi to pomeniloObjavljena slika

ok, nej bo... da ne dopizdim s tem pink-ponkanjem... Objavljena slika
pač, gre se za tipe, se mi zdi, da me kar dost vleče na take ovnovsko-škorpijonovske note..Objavljena slika
haha, zdej sm se spomnla, smo mel na jobu ene zafrkancije in točno oven pa škorpjo sta bla v igri Objavljena slika

v katerem znamenju in keri hiši pa imaš to konjukcijo?
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Emerson

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