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2005 Cetus

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5 komentarjev na to temo

#1 ananta

  • Legenda Foruma
  • Št. objav: 1 518

Objavljeno: 24. februar 2005, 11:40


astroMATRIX je astronomski podforum. Lahko rečemo da se vkvarjamo z
prediktivno astronomijo. Razvili smo metode tudi za zelo precizno
astrološko obdelavo fenomenov, pa tudi sekundarne progresije (exo
in extra IAU zodijakalne). Astronomski fenomeni? Saj se ne gre za
fenomene. Venera v Cetus-u je normalna zadeva. Zelene komete (zdi
se) postajajo tudi normalna zadeva. NIHIL NOVI SVNT SOLI. Solis.


Vkvarjamo se z raziskavo. V tem smo 80% prvi. Na ta zadnje smo res
veliko naredili za astronomijo. Zodijak od 28 elementov je bil ne
znan tudi astronomom. Ascendenti (16 jih je) so interesantni za
astrologe. Projektirali smo kar 5 sort ascendentov, od katerih so
seveda najbolj bistveni ascendenti na iztoku. 88 je ascendentov, pa
v tej epohi imamo samo 16. V drugih epohah jih je bilo več. Faraoni
so imeli 22 ascendenta. Vse smo seveda objavili. Vasak lahko preveri
z enostavnim (astronomskim) programom. Tudi eni astrološki programi
sem pat ja imajo astronomske podprograme (planetarium, orbite?)...

Kaj lahko preberete na astroMATRIX forumu?

Predvsem se gre za astronomske informacije. Ko pomembni novi objekt
dobi (takoj dobi) opis, efemeride (oskulativne elemente), parametre,
orbito, torej ko je določen astronomski, je tudi astrološki določen.

Astronomski sistem katerega predstavljamo ni enak kot večina astroloških
sistemov. Najbližje bi bil kitajskem sistemu. Sistem je preprO5t. Iztok
je iztok in je ascendent. To nikakor ne gre v glavo nobenemu že nekaj
let. Mislim svetovno, seveda. Držijo se zelo zanimivih teorij. Po temu
kaj vidim ozvezdje Capricornus je skoraj M.C. (11ta hiša), programi pa
imajo "znak Kozoroga" na ascendentu. Na iztoku pa izhajajo Ribe. Tega
moj tehnični um ni zmorel ... pa sem se odločil za astronomijo. Ja kaj? /capisces primer kaže nebo in astro
program rezultate. zelo zanimivo. Sicer ozvezdje Capricornus noma nič
z "zankom Kozoroga". To je samo ena od neverjetnih zadev na tem področju.

Imamo vse objekte. Prav vse. Veliko jih je, tisoče in tisoče. Pa vsi
lahko pridejo v poštev. Največji niso nujno najbolj uplivni, pa jih
seveda imamo. Vse mape imajo Sedna, Quaoar, Ixion, Varuna, 2002 AW197.

Odkod objekti? Z Harvard postrežnika, tudi NASA JPL.

A se kdo še z tem vkvarja? Se. Ne pa na ta način.

Kaj je novega v svetu astronomije?
================================== /astromatrix /napisi

Vse je novo. Vsaki dan so novi asteroidi, ateni, amori, itn...
Od začetka sem več visel na (notranjem) postrežniku (UNIX, Sun Sparc)
NASA JPL HORIZONS. Na ta zadnje sem na Harvard MPC. Saj ni novih
kentavrjev tega leta. Zadnje leto smo imeli kar 4 kentavrja (update
sem postal na ketavrsko grupo). A so obdelani? Obdelal sem jih vse.

Kaj je starega? V 1992 se vse spremenilo ko smo v horoskopu imeli ta
prvi transneptun. Od tedaj jih je (skoraj) 1000. Kentavrjev ni še
100, torej mejhna grupa objektov. Vsi kentavrji so (več al manj)
obdelani (nove sem samo jaz obdelal). Najbolj so obdelani najstarejši
(kot Asbolus) in imenovani kentavrji (več kot 10 imenovenih).
kentavrji so navadna zadeva pri analizi horoskopa

Vemo da osebo posebej zanima kaj dela Venera v Cetus-u v horoskopu to
leto. Pravzaprav Venera ni bistvena, saj je daleč. Zanimajo nas bolj
očitne reči. Saj vsi živimo za sex, denar, večnO5t, zen in za danes.

Obdelati Venero v Cetus je bolj zahtevno kot se to misli. Obdelali
smo vse pozicije. Bilo je dela. namreč sploh niso obstajale razlage
za banalne pozicije kot Sonce v Ophiucus ali pa Saturn v Orion-u.

Kjer najdete razlage? Na USENET-u. Web pristop
Ali ali seveda

V svetu astrologije je vse novo vedno. Objekti so vse večji in se slika
solarnega sistema (in okolice) veliko spreminja. Planet dobi nekaj lun.
Zemlja torej ima več trojanskih lun, one so seveda v horoskopu obdelane.

Kaj je novega v astologiji?
=========================== je postavil standarde za leto 2600 (precesija v
Vodnaru). Astrologija in astronomija so se reintegrirali. Za to se
porabilo dva meseca in primitivna oprema (zelo primitivna, ne boste
tega več najdli v muzeju). Reforme ni bilo (kakor domevam) že 11000
(ali celo 25000, več?) let. Ljudjem daš O5nove v roke, efemeride,
sistem, pa vse zapacajo. Pred 6000 let je Neptun (EN.KI domain) bil
glavni frajer (saj je že, na drvesu življenja je krona, Kether, oče,
aba; o tem bojo učenci I Ching-a detaljno); Neptun je čarombno
(magnetno) kontroliral Sonce (logiko navaja Zacharia Sitchin) ...
(neobstoječa čakra kontrolira srčno čakro). Torej Neptun je number
1 (tudi pri židih, kaldejcij, torej kultur Ur-a v Mezopotamiji).

Navadili smo se neodvisno mislit in delat. Nekjer z Varuna-om smo
definitivno vodilni, bilo to nekomr všeč ali ne nimajo kaj rečt.
namreč ko se nekaj novega pojavi, edino jaz poskeniram (edini
delam z astronomijo, tega nisem vedal v začetku; začetni razlog
je bil tudi to da sem imel samo staro DOS mašino, torej pO5lednji
bojo prvi DRŽI !!!). pO5namem objekte, obdelam, postam z megabytimi
tudi 500 Mb po objektu (Quaoar je imel 700 Mb working material;
brez DOS-a ne bi šlo;) Objekti so obdelani v hišama ko se O5tali
domevajo kaj se to odkrilo. Torej bližje izviru in hitreje do
informacij. Sedna, Quaoar, Ixion in kentavrji, potem komete
(komete razen mene ne dela nobeden; je pa en "fant" ki bluzi
po črnih luknjah, tudi zanimiva zadeva; za luknje pa to porabimo
NASA SIMBAD na francO5kem; na francoskem je tudi IAU zadeva).


Nekateri astrologi (seveda se svi poznamo in ... sovražimo ... imamo
radi. Vsaj pred nekaj let je tako bilo ko smo se srečali. Iz ta prvega
je vedno ok. Potem so razlike. Potem prekidi. Namreč če se razvijaš
nisi v množici. To se tudi dogaja v O5kem krogu "kentavrskih" astrologov!

Večina astrologov pravzaprav nima idejo kaj je nebo. Od tega so problemi.
Drugi imajo idejo pa jo ne znajo vporabiti (tipično Alois Treindl, Linux
Red Hat 7,, astrofizik se mi zdi, probrskajte). Alois vsaj nekaj
dela. Povabili smo ga in nekaj se maltrajo z (ful nebistvenim) oskulativnimi
elementimi neobstoječeg Lilit-a itn. Bistveno da smo avangarda in rep v
stiku. Rep so seveda popularni trash pseudoastrološki sajti, tipično
najbolj neprecizna zadeva (vejo za me, pa se ne upajo nekaj rečt) kot
astrodatabank (to je nekaj za počistit oziroma to ne bo šlo naprej.

lp Claudio

#2 stankaa

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 2 653

Objavljeno: 9. marec 2005, 09:23

[... Bistveno da smo avangarda in rep v stiku. ...

To cenim, da se stiki ohranjajo, da povezovanja prinašajo nove ideje, poslušanje drug drugega in širjenje pogleda na nebo in razvoj astrologije na vseh nivojih.

Kar je staro in že več milijonkrat preverjeno v astrologiji, tu ni dilem, toda novo rabi čas, da se sprejme, obrusi, začuti in vplete v "karto kroga".
Življenje je PLES do nebes...
Imejte se radi med seboj, vedno!
live well, laugh often, love much (as you've never been hurt!)

#3 ananta

  • Legenda Foruma
  • Št. objav: 1 518

Objavljeno: 9. marec 2005, 13:29

Xivujo stANKaaa

RA pravkar pREverja lastne mnemonike

Vse je bilo narobe, ni smisla ydaj se delati ASTRONOMA


žindex.html se menja vsak dan, in je in bo velik materijala

#4 ananta

  • Legenda Foruma
  • Št. objav: 1 518

Objavljeno: 9. marec 2005, 13:33

To president IAU Comission 46

Dear Sir!

I represent IAU Compatible Astrology. This astrology works with the
IAU 28 Constellations Zodiac (e.g. Venus in Hydra), eastern or due
precession corrected ascendants, as well as comets (like Wild) and
objects of interest like Sedna, Orcus, Earth trojans and the alike.

Aquarius Aries Auriga Bootes Cancer CanisMinor Capricorn.
Cetus Coma B. Corvus Crater Eridanus Gemnini Hydra
Leo Minor Leo Libra Ophiucus Orion Pegasus Pisces
Sagittarius Scorpius Scutum Serpens Sextans Taurus Virgo

During my research I have made large use of Jon Giorgini's HORIZONS
integrator, as well as other astronomical programs. The formula under
which I work is Astrology=Astronomy. I have found you looking for my
own sites; the search was "iau+astrology". As I intended to contact
you sooner or later, let this sooner not be too soon, considering my
lack of education, overcompensated by zeal. I have no good words for
astrologers, who immensely distort our true skies. As I depend on
NASA JPL and Harvard MPC for my updates, I thought astrologers will
accept me as reformator, but that happens too slow. Using a primitive
program like SKYGLOBE enabled me to proclaim the reformation. It took
two summer months to check for zodiacal positions. Astrologers seem
to lack perspective. They simply cannot imagine Venus in Cetus. I am
the first who wrote in an astrological way of such discoveries like
Varuna, Ixion, Quaoar and Sedna. I reported about Sedna 5 days before
NASA's comunique. The astrological community hardly accepts such
expressions like Orcus in Hydra or Sedna in Cetus. They use a false
or outdated zodiacal model, probably egyptian astronomical primary
school stuff. They have the psychological problem of accepting the
skies as they reallz are. I elaborated on this point in detail.

Astrology is a comparatively simple science enabling everybody to
calculate e.g. the year of someone's marriage within seconds. This
should be well known as "primary direction" technique, an easy to
demonstrate arithmetical tool, needing no ephemeris or computer.

I am a copious writer, mostly publishing on USENET. You can always
find me using "iau+astrology". I hear protests from both parties
while both parties should be aware the astronomer was always an
astrologer. This is clear in shumerian, mayan, egyptian, indian,
as well as chinese lore. Are the Navajo "Rabbit Paws" astrology
or astronomy? Do they have a demarcation line between the two?

Yours sincerely,

Klaudio Zic

Ivekoviceva 4




+385911528964 (cell) /2005 (sample scans)


Nearest PHA observatory (Korlevic comet).

Aquarius Aries Auriga Bootes Cancer CanisMinor Capricorn.
Cetus Coma B. Corvus Crater Eridanus Gemnini Hydra
Leo Minor Leo Libra Ophiucus Orion Pegasus Pisces
Sagittarius Scorpius Scutum Serpens Sextans Taurus Virgo

Appended is a recent article, preceded by our Mission Statement:

Astrology=Astronomy * Mission Statement

© 2005 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved.
Your scientifical astronomical horoscope Mail:
By SMS +385911528964 news://

Our mission is to inspire dramatic change in what astrologers expect from astronomy, allowing the creative astrologer to create, capture and communicate his ideas as never before.

The introduction of creative tools such as the True Astronomical IAU 28 Zodiac and precision set of Precessed Ascendants for the current epoch is basic to freedom, as well as precision of expression in a modern astrologer. Our comittment is total when it comes to true planetary positions, as every planet, comet, minor planet and object is delineated in the constellation it happens to be in. The Sun is in Ophiucus, the Moon in Cetus, Pluto in Serpens Cauda, Orcus in Hydra, Ixion and Quaoar in Ophiucus, Sedna in Cetus, to name some current positions. Another currently quoted example is Aug 4th 2004 with Moon in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans, Venus in Orion and Juno in Scutum. The Astronomical Zodiac has 28 constellations according to the IAU standard. Your Venus can thus be in Scutum, Hydra, Corvus, Orion, Crater, Ophiucus, Cetus, Sextans, Pegasus as well as a variety of other constellations. When we say our commitment is astronomical precision we mean it.

The new astrological system is immensely more rich in expression and versatility. Besides being IAU compatible, it is also rich with ancient wisdom, as coded in the 28 zodiacal, as well as 60 extrazodiacal constellations. One of them is Ophiucus, meaning mother Eve, the lady of the snakes, or Ashera. The implications are vast, but one does not go unmentioned, since it is the U.S.A. that have Ophiucus ascending, just as one recent candidate has Sun in Ophiucus and is therefore an ophiucian. Many astrologers will recall the Sun enters Ophiucus after spending one week in Scorpius, but it is Vigo that clearly stands out as most important constellation, with the Sun spending 45 days in this most beneficient part of God's sky.
When Jupiter conjuncts Spica Virginis, it is in Virgo constellation. This point is very clear even to a child but somehow unclear to major astrological authorities and websites who developed the bad habit of displacing stars, planets, houses and information according to models of heavens that simply don't reflect the true state of affairs and they never did.

The tapestry of stars and true astronomical zodiac, as well as the present precession corrected ascendants set are the basic tool of an astrologer ready for major upgrade.

Precessed Ascendants for Current Epoch © Copyright 2005 Klaudio Zic

Virgo Serpens_Caput/Cauda Ophiucus Aquila Aquarius Pisces Cetus
Taurus Eridanus Orion Monoceros Canis_Minor Hydra Sextans Leo

As precession progresses, the constellations rising in due east change, thus at some epoch one can have Aries rising in due east. In another epoch one can have perhaps Lepus rising, or Draco setting. The southern and northern horizon, as well as the nadir and zenith of the horoscope, are studied accordingly.

Astronomical Zodiac

Aquarius Aries Auriga Bootes Cancer Canis_Minor
Capricornus Cetus Coma_Berenices Corvus Crater Eridanus Gemini Hydra Leo_Minor Leo Libra Ophiucus Orion Pegasus Pisces Sagittarius Scorpius Scutum Serpens Sextans Taurus Virgo

Articles and updates of the new astrological system, with this year's centaurs and transneptunians delineations are available through our newsgroup news://

Alternative sources of articles
USENET users can search the interface for
articles about the True Astronomical Zodiac (keyword

Besides there's a site search on the site. /2005 /iau carries aditional info.

Astrology=Astronomy * Mission Statement

© 2005 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved.
Your scientifical astronomical horoscope Mail:
By SMS +385911528964 news://

About the Reintegration of Astrology into Astronomy

© Copyright 2005 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

About the Zodiac

What went under the name of "astrology" in the past was far from the
skies as seen by naked eye and astronomy. This point must be clear.

There's no flat wheel in the sky with 12 busy slices and planets
circling like olives on a pizza with 12 perfect pizza cuts called
"signs". If such a model worked for remote exoteric schools (of
which we have no firsthand information), it can not be accepted
today. Much confusion was made along this line. Using the "12 signs
zodiac" misplaces stars, to start with. Later on it confuses most
elements of the so-called horoscope analysis, namely planets find
themselves in wrong "houses" (above/below the horizon is not well
defined, to say the least), the Sun is in another quadrant of the
sky and all sorts of superstition and misconception make entrance.

As I write this on Feb 12th 2005, the Moon is in Cetus constellation.
The astrological mind attributes different "influences" to different
positions of the planets, the Moon, Pluto, as well as comets, minor
planets, earth trojans and various classes of "objects of interest".

Moon in Cetus is not so interesting to astronomy (apart from a casual
lesson in extreme declination), but is very interesting in astrology.
Astrologers of course know nothing about Moon in Cetus and refuse to
albeit gigabytes have been published about the proper zodiac and the
"astrological influence" of this "rare" position. We must understand
that, albeit from the astronomical viewpoint, the year 2005's Mercury
Venus and Mars in Cetus zodiacal positions are taken for granted with
no special meaning attached, from the astrological viewpoint it could
mean the end of the world (or the whale). Leaving delineations and
fancy behind, an interesting study in psychology, sociology and even
demonology can be made by studying the effects of astronomy upon the
"astrologically trained" mind. A confused mind reacts by calling upon
collective error: "We can't all be wrong!", meaning the astrologer will
call upon his "tribe" and NASA may as well pack to astrological classes.

The above is a link to the pictorial story of one case of astronomical
remedy upon astrological schizophrenia. The lady lived with the idea
she was "Capricorn ascendant", a category meaning some Capricornus stars
(or the (?)"astrological equivalent" and/or lack of) were rising at birth.

The astronomical ascendant was clearly Pisces, meaning Pisces were
rising in the east. There's quite a long way from Capricornus to
Pisces. This is the standard error of "astrology" as propagated by
major "experts and authorities", as well as handy web sites with their
online calculation modules, neatly spreading misconception all over the
planet, even in places where shamans still observe the horozon. The
psychological implications? A swindle on both sides? One feels one's
been cheated by the "new age money making machine", can not trust
anyone, the least NASA and the well-meaning astronomer (if there's
such a category next door, it must be rare). The shock at seeing her
real stars ascending was too much for the lady as she's been manipulated
all of her life (women in general are sound astrologers and ready for
the change). She's been manipulated as girl, woman, mother; sexually,
religiousely; emotionally and mentaly. If astrology and "new age"
was to be her shield against the patriarcho-totalitarian matrix,
she was wrong! She subdued to this point and lived to regret it.

The reason to oppose reintegration today is not really a matter of
"faith". The reason is money. Web sites collecting the grapes of
pizzacut astrology can not possibly allow for scientifical truth.

Astronomers should influence the astrological community but are in
themselves disinteressed and not always very well informed at all.

How many astronomers today know what the zodiac is? Are they all
aware of the four last year's centaurs? Do we all know how many
trojan moons our own planet has?

The IAU compatible zodiac has 28 zodiacal constellations. This will
come as a shock even to astronomers. Note that the experiment was
made during two summer months using primitive tools like outdated
DOS machine and a little DOS program (SKYGLOBE.EXE). Later on, one
may discover astronomers were researching the IAU zodiac even before
astronomical programs were available to help the research. But as
afore said, not many astronomers are aware of the IAU zodiac. At
this time we're not even sure IAU itself as a body is aware of it.

This note goes to institutions like NASA JPL, Harvard MPC, IAU org
in hope it'll help dispelling astronomical scorn towards astrology
since there is surely a spark of good will towards reintegration
on both sides, although we might well wait year 2600 for the event.

Klaudio Zic (a.k.a. Claudio Antonio Valentin Solis)

Thousands of articles were written about IAU compatible astrology.
Find them using "iau+astrology" search.

By SMS +385911528964 SMS +393343182775 Voice mail +38591701528964

Your newspost welcome: news://

#5 stankaa

  • D član
  • Št. objav: 2 653

Objavljeno: 9. marec 2005, 16:06

RA pravkar pREverja lastne mnemonike

Vse je bilo narobe, ni smisla ydaj se delati ASTRONOMA

žindex.html se menja vsak dan, in je in bo velik materijala

Lepo, da nastaja veliko materiala, saj vem,
da tvoje nemirne misli neprenehoma ustvarjajo :palec:

Najbolj me zanimajo konkretni primeri... saj bo še prišel ta pravi čas za vse...
upam x:Ix
Življenje je PLES do nebes...
Imejte se radi med seboj, vedno!
live well, laugh often, love much (as you've never been hurt!)

#6 astroMATRIX

  • ŽeČistoDomači
  • Št. objav: 293

Objavljeno: 17. marec 2005, 17:17

Chariklo je stari kentavr in je bil v veliko horoskopov. Primerov je neverjetno velik. Ko sem delal več horarne jih je b'lo kar 500 na dan. Imam data base pa še čakam da za 600 let kolege končno pridejo na moje (kolege niso "znani astrologi" temveč program developerji).
True Zodiac True Ascendant

Uporabniki, ki si ogledujejo to temo (0)

Člani: 0 - Gosti: 0 - Skriti člani: 0