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Iau kompatibilna astrologija

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16 replies to this topic

#1 ananta

  • Legenda Foruma
  • posts 1,518

Posted 14. April 2004, 12:21

Konchno lahko izvesh

Venerin Ascendent

Kjer je moj Oberon v horoskopu?

Kjer je Zemlja v horoskopu?

Zakaj me Juno moti che gledam z ochmi Venere?

Ostani z nami in shibaj z kometami nove astrologije!

The zodiac has 28 IAU constellations. so primeri!!!

From the site that delineated Sedna and Quaoar,


Venusian Ascendant

Oberon in Hydra

Mooncentrical Analysis

Object-centrical Astrology

Here a typical example of Venus in Hydra:

Moon in Cetus:

#2 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • posts 60,730

Posted 14. April 2004, 12:27

Konchno lahko izvesh

Venerin Ascendent

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#3 ananta

  • Legenda Foruma
  • posts 1,518

Posted 14. April 2004, 12:57

Lublano si lahko ogledash z Grada ali pa z Rozhnika ali pa od vse povsod.

Podobmo horoskop.

Opazujemo torej od vse povsod.

Problem z Juno mi je postal razviden ko sem si ga ogledal z Venere. Postavil se na Betelguese!

Torej perspektive se spreminjajo.

To bo res experi-mentalno:)))

Uchenci v Ljubljani imajo zhe take horoskope, a si predstavljash.

Upam da bo Gerkman slishil;)))

Ciao Claudio

#4 Amis

  • D član
  • posts 15,191

Posted 14. April 2004, 13:02

marsa, a boš kaj prevedla :sori: za kaj se gre
you see things; and you say WHY?
but i dream things that never were; and i say WHY NOT?

#5 Aira

  • Lunatik
  • posts 2,771

Posted 14. April 2004, 13:03

jaz tudi nič en štekam... neke šifre... višja matematika x:Dx

#6 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • posts 60,730

Posted 14. April 2004, 13:15

Oj, hehm... ja... saj sem ze parkrat 'prevajala' tako Claudijeve poste kot tudi sploh samo Claudijevo pojavo na forumu. ;) :)
(*je kje kaksna debata ze o Klaudiu - naslov teme Intruder - ker je bil prej intruder, pol pa je nekaj pobrkal pri ponovnem vpisu ob selitvi in je zdaj Ananta)
Claudio se v bistvu malo igra naprej, raziskuje, ko mu je osnovna astrologija pravzaprav ze dolgocasna.
On v bistvu je nekako presaltal na astronomijo in zdaj govori v bistvu o globini, ne o ploskvi.(*saj smo ze tudi spregovorili o tem, mislim, nekje drugje).
V vesolju je nesteto objektov... in Claudio se je osredotocil tudi na vplive drugih, recimo kentavrov (ki jih precej uposteva in veliko omenja), uposteva tudi stalnice, torej z drugimi besedami - njegovo nebo je nekoliko 'sirse', obseznejse. :)

Tu pa govori o tem, kako dobimo popolnoma drugacne perspektive, ce spremenimo tocko gledanja (jasno)...
In to je to.
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#7 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • posts 60,730

Posted 14. April 2004, 13:33

p.s. Nekaj tem, kjer je bodisi kaj bolj konkretnega ali je vec komentarjev... za razumevanje... ;)
Sedna - novi planet
2004 dw - Plutonov rival
In ena hecna Intruderjeva tema: Kdaj se bom porocila?
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#8 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • posts 60,730

Posted 14. April 2004, 14:05

Lublano si lahko ogledash z Grada ali pa z Rozhnika ali pa od vse povsod.

Podobmo horoskop.

Opazujemo torej od vse povsod.

Problem z Juno mi je postal razviden ko sem si ga ogledal z Venere. Postavil se na Betelguese!

Torej perspektive se spreminjajo.

To bo res experi-mentalno:)))

Uchenci v Ljubljani imajo zhe take horoskope, a si predstavljash.

Upam da bo Gerkman slishil;)))

Ciao Claudio

Pa se zate, Claudio:

To razumem, da si tole mislil, a me zanima, po katerem programu pa si to gledal in se igral?
Hocem reci - kako lahko prides do teh podatkov, ker rabis pac globino - ali kako si to gledal?

Aja, in se - kaj si mislil s tem, ucenci v ljubljani ze imajo te horoskope? Kateri ucenci, hocem reci - kako to mislis? Tvoji ucenci? Da si jim to izracunal in da torej to ze vejo - ali da se tvoji ucenci ze ucijo to?

:8): :vio: xcivx
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#9 Amis

  • D član
  • posts 15,191

Posted 14. April 2004, 14:25

ja, globina pa to pa način gledanja mi je jasno. vsaj v principu delovanja, ne pa v principu uporabe, kako pa to dobimo, poiščemo izračunamo.........itd
you see things; and you say WHY?
but i dream things that never were; and i say WHY NOT?

#10 nataly

  • D član
  • posts 8,410

Posted 14. April 2004, 14:43

Točka gledanja :palec: To je bilo pred časom tudi mene zmotilo. Ker nisem mogla kar tako požreti, da je v astronomiji zemlja središče in se vse giblje okrog nje. Potem pa mi je kliknilo - z Marsino pomočjo, da je pač točka s katere gledamo važna. Ker sem se nenehno ubadala z se še v bistvu.

Po moje se vse spremeni, če bi gledali recimo z venere. Ja.

Aja in tista tema - Ali se bom porochila? x:Dx Finta je, da je med vrsticami le podal odgovor x:Dx . Ki pa ni bil ravno to, kar si človek želi slišati x:)x

Življenje je to, kar se ti dogaja, medtem, ko planiraš druge reči.


#11 El Nino

El Nino
  • Lunatik
  • posts 10,745

Posted 14. April 2004, 15:39

Hja pa saj to tud moj programček dela..... ;) sam pomoje je skor brezveze gledat kaj več kot zemljo pa sonce... dejansko smo se (vsaj upam da večina, čeprav mamo tle ene par marsovcev pa jupitrovcov) na zemlji.... kje je point? preveod filozofije prosim....
:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.

#12 pokowc

  • Brez statusa
  • posts 5,844

Posted 15. April 2004, 00:33

Kjer je Zemlja v horoskopu?


#13 Marsa

  • Uredništvo
  • posts 60,730

Posted 15. April 2004, 08:13

Nasproti sonca.
Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.

#14 lunca

  • Lunatik
  • posts 4,059

Posted 15. April 2004, 08:21

ja, globina pa to pa način gledanja mi je jasno. vsaj v principu delovanja, ne pa v principu uporabe, kako pa to dobimo, poiščemo izračunamo.........itd

xrolleyesx Pri astrologiji si to razlagam tako, da primerjam s slikarstvom. Slike umetnikov so večinoma zelo sprejemljive in gledljive ljudem (goro vidiš kot goro), ko pa umetnik preide na neko nadgradnjo, ga mogoče večina ljudi ne razume in spogledljivo obračajo oči, kaj so to za ene krace. x:Dx

#15 Amis

  • D član
  • posts 15,191

Posted 15. April 2004, 08:24

x:Dx ja, maš prav lunca x:)x
you see things; and you say WHY?
but i dream things that never were; and i say WHY NOT?

#16 ananta

  • Legenda Foruma
  • posts 1,518

Posted 24. April 2004, 13:46

Human soul is not earthbound at all in it`s
errands: IAU compatible astrology initiation.

"In roaming omniverse one is at home."

IAU Compatible Astrology /sedna /28

Introducing Different Viewing Angles for your Chart

The full 28 IAU constellations zodiac along with
the changeable ascendental constellations are given
at the bottom of this article.

"While Quaorians share Varuna and the Sun in Orion,
our average astrologer does not even know his own
natal Moon, Saturn or Venus might be in Orion."

* That could not be tollerated on this planet.

True 28 Constellations of the Zodiac, as well
as due eastern ascending constellations are
conveniently given at the bottom of this article

© 2004 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Oberon and Titania conjunct May 1st 2004.

This might be one of the astrological joys for
fairy lovers and druids, but is also an astrological
event of great ineterest to babies and mothers as
well; namely Titania and Oberon marry when conjunct.

The conjunction is as seen from Uranus, of course,
in your uranocentrical horoscope layout you might
be familiar with, since you're an astrologer (e.g.
using Uranus arc directions). /3/

Mothers will be pleased to know the conjunction is
fairly favorable to babies and birthgiving in general.

See commentary /3/ below for a short list of Oberon
Titania conjuctions.

* Astrology is the science of the astral realm.

A lenghty delineation of Titania and Oberon will
be given on our newsgroup http://ghettobox.dhs...ucklist/ng.html
and mailing list. Here is a short information.

Titania stands for transcendental gaiety in an often
"oversexed" inorganic kingdom. The inorganic beings
exchange energy with joy, or should we say, _steal_
vital energy with joy. well, that should be be
glorified as love. Titania rules her subordinate
spirit within a stern "Castle Chariot" or "Hotel
California"-like atmosphere. One loves too much
of everything, drunk with sexual enchantment.

Oberon is (like) Aurelia, the butterfly-moth-like
dwarf-elf from Syria, imported into our druidic
woods. Like 1994 TA Pylenor (see Sedna delineation)
it consumes inorganic eternity or it`s approximation
restless, scented, genial. Oberon shares with Phaethon
the need of a Samwise-type grounding. Practical
Immortality. See also Oberon 5 or O5 on the site.
Master Auberon, Alberon Alf < Elf is fond of trees
as it incorporates the lord of the sylphs. Lothlorien
is the scenary one can fancy = evoke Him as meant
by Tolkien`s genius. astrology is the science of
the astral realm, elvish and pixied regions, as well.

Astrologers will check the uranian chart for Alpha
Pegasi. This short introduction does not allow for
all the magick Pegasus has to offer as ascendental
constellation. 2002 TX300 giant transneptunian
object is of course "near the conjunction",
astrologically speaking. Uranian skies often
hold only two objects of interest above the
horizon. we will touch upon various planetary
ascendants later on in this article (the Venusian
Ascendant has been conveniently picked to attract
attention to most interesting ways to scan omniverse,
i.e. your true natal skies).

Holy druidic marriages are possible especially for
the advanced evocational magus skrying to the Uranus
sphere in astral. One such was Prahlada Maharaj as
mentioned in the 2004 DW and Sedna delienations on
site /sedna /2004 DW
Ever seen an animated secondary extrazodiacal
direction of Pluto in Coma Berenices? You will.

While astral reports do not couple Oberon and Titania
too often and surely the event is not a pleasant one,
our two observed bodies do meet roughly twice in a
terrestrial month. That affords for merry coming
together and can as a matter of fact form a dating
schedule for astrologers, especially centaurean,
avestan, transneptunian, or those dabbling into
darkplanets, hamburgers = "uranians" and IAU based.

While nature is still young we plant our seed,
particullary when Venus and Moon :|:::| cooperate
(:|: = Moon, ::| Venus direction or transit).

A lenghty delineation is possible for the advanced
skryer in astral or vedic yogi. Vedic astrology can
allude to astral planets improving the astrologers
knowledge of omniverself.

Such expansions of astrological knowledge foster
our better understanding of the tottality of our
spaceborne Self. Suprarchangel Mysefial so-to-speak,
one in command of the cardinal archangel-stars.

While the Sun is in Orion for Quaorians (we know of
inorganic inhabitants all over the system as
they are documented in astrological literature,
no, not the amusing booklets that pass as such),
it might (and as matter of fact, it _is_) in Corvus
for the inorganic inhabitants (if such are reported
to exist) of 2002 TX300.

Corvus can easily be linked to Puck and so on as one
progresses along the astrological - mythological -
majikal path. To have a (monor) planet or moon in
Corvus is quite regular, so the constellation must
have been studied. Corvus is said to be one of the
Tiamat (Hydra) demons (ministers). /2/

About Astronomical Software at Large

It comes natural to check for star positions with
the use of astronomical software. The same software
will show you your real ascendant in what we call
due east, the eastern skies (mine is Monoceros),
as well as local Moon, centaurs, plutinos, comets,
cubewanos, SDO, Aten and other groups of objects.


This article has really nothing to do with
vedic, sidereal, jyotish or tropical astrology.
It does have to do with the way ancients would
use a computer. Virtual gaze into a maze.

Astronomical software and star gazing helps
understanding the material and energies
astrology works with, spirits including.

Cosmocentrical astrology picks a viewpoint that
suits the analysis. We are astromapping omniverse.

The conclusion and research is on you. We are
aware it is already hard to understand a natal
chart. It needs seconds, often minutes to
determine the client's 1st marriage year.

Astrological software at large largely distorts
the real solar system and it's relationship to
the starry background. People are make amazing
errors especially in the field of conjunction.

A considerable amount of error is due to the
misunderstanding of the position of the planets.

No astrologer to my knowledge except astronomers
and rare centaurean astrologers will even know
the true natal constellation his Sun was in.

Moon miscalculations are pardoned since it is
vary hard to calculate this object, especially
for the location and elevation one is born at.

Ascendants _change_ with precession. This is
largely misunderstood. One cannot possibly
have Aries ascending at this time, but there
were times when Crater and aries did ascend
in due east.

One will argue we use the ecliptic path instead
of east. This misplaces the planets as concerns
houses. You might have Neptune in 7th and not
know it, or worse. The precise latitude of the
object is to be taken into account and much more
beyond my computing skills.

Omniverse should be observed 4D at least, or 3D
or using a good 2D simulation.

Astrologers had a spirit-guide instead, but we
have software, also produced by spirit-guides,
like e.g. "delphinian" guides who helped me
write Sedna's delineation.
/sedna such guides can be evoked by astologers.

My own guide for Sedna seas was Silver Belt.
sometimes that kind of intelligence can even
phone you! Or send an SMS +385911081084

What is new after the introduction of the IAU
compatible 28 constellation zodiac? We shifted
view to see yur horoscope better. In fact we are
having Earth or Oberon in your chart, objects
previously undelineated and improbable to find
in one's chart. Well we really have fun researching
and delineating impossible objects and decided to
have them all in your chart. Thus we are moving into
a 3D astrology, an idea that astrologer and programmer
Ed Falis of alt.astrology.moderated had in mind long ago.

The horoscope becomes sightseeing! How much have we
advanced! We need seconds to determine marriage and
that without any tools, imagine using pen and paper!

Amazing. Pen and paper. I can actually write down
records, all the love of one's life. The primary
directions. Calculate better...

Spectrum ZX. Jayne. So much possibilities.

Astronomical simulation. The final tool of
modern astrology. Input cubewanos. Export
animation. Yes, horoscopes are animated!

When your Mercury enters Sextans by secondary
direction it is of course animated in that
constellation. we need no special software
for that since astrologers always made use of
astronomical software in teh first place. It
comes natural to check for star positions with
astronomical software.

We animate sightseeing. as everybody is familiar
with secondary rogressions, we animate them in
real IAU constellations, so you can check for events
when that Moon enters cetus, or Mercury retrogrades
into Sextans, or Venus enters Hydra.

The astrologer familiar with Moon in Auriga will
predict accordingly. No more need to use fiction
= a set of inexisting "zodiacal signs", any more.

The horoscopian industry feeds on false horizons.
They will never allow for any article of this
degree to be published. They will rather close
the site. Your life means nothing to them as
they pump out unsensical mass desinformation.

Checking for the ascendant I have Orion rising
with every familiar star like the Pi stars, the
Ank of O5IRIS. This is what we call the ascendant
as ever something rising in the east. And east
means east. So we don't miscalculate our own
natal positions like astrologers used to /1/

There is no dark side of the Moon any more?
Let us say we'll snoop around every object to check
it out. Isn't it what you would do within your

If your Earth is square, you think Spica Virginis is
in Libra. Square deal. Programs lie to suit misleading
ideas. Yes, they lied! Astrologers having no idea of
their own ascendant or planetary positions filled
your shelves and are still filling them at large.

No wonder astronomers shun astrologers!

But no more. This time we are compatible.

Is there a special reason to observe a city from
one area only? Big Ben standpoint? Thames fish
point? Zeppelin standpoint? Soho dog standpoint?

Paris cannot be seen from one point only. In
roaming omniverse one is at home.

To observe home one quits home. Yes, we shall
have planet earth and Cruithne, 2002 AA29 and
our primary Moon (Xingu) in our charts. We had
them before, only we perhaps did not know.

We will not crush geocentrical topocentrical and
nonsensical astrology. You will! It is amazing
that people using an unexistant 12 sign zodiac
think themselves astrologers! Such folks have no
idea of their own Sun position but presume to
guide others. Their horoscopes are blinders.

People have speculated on working out a horoscope
from Mars one day. Well, we're actually doing it.
We are in fact horoscoping from Phobos on regular basis.

"But let us observe that from Phobos. See? Your
torch is up! Changes come this way as planets
shift position into their real perspective."

It is hard to see all the aspects of one chart
standing on one planet only. So we shift to see better.

In one case, Juno's influence was not clear to me, so I
"went to Venus" and observed. Juno shifted to Bellatrix
and all was clear.

The idea and process is not old, it's just that it became
operational as soon a phase in development was completed.

Now we know ascendental constellations vary with time and
ages as Crater or Monoceros rise. The zodiacal constellations
are more or less 28 in number all of the time.

There was criticism about "my web pages".
When you will produce 700 Mb of Quaoar material
you will know one doing research has simply no time
for any web page. Worse. Perhaps he has no connection
and works on an i386 or worse. Mind this. Concentrate
on the substance. Study the maps. Then you will have
enough of fancy web sites. I invited web masters to
download (wget) the site (a couple of gigabytes)
and upoad the web pages via ftp. My time is up.

Shall I climb the pyramid to see the pyramid?
Snoop around the pyramid? Fancy it? Enter it?

Every angle of observation adds to the experience.
Our IAU compatible astrology shifts angles for the
advantage of the analysis.

What is Cruithnocentrix?

The word is to attract attention to a pO5sibility
in actualization: we are recreating a new astrology
based on the IAU (modern astronomical) standards.

The maps show ypur horoscope from various advantage
angles, e.g. it is best to observe Juno from Venus
by the very character of those objects.

We were born and live in Space, not "on Earth".
You might not move from Paris, but you inhabit
this planet and Moon neighborhood. You can be
observed from outer space. In fact you are, God


Astrology has been always based on inorganic evocation
and astronomical gazing.

The astrologer was and is a rare fellow into evocation
(thus inorganic initiation) and astronomy.

Our druids were astrologers.

Precision is sacred. There is so much misconception,
erroneous preassumption at the core of what goes by
"astrology" to this new age day that it can be discarded
completely. You can throw your magazines in the holy
pyre. Keep your astronomy books.

You will find no astrological information in colorful
books and best seling magazines. All is wrong there.

The zodiac is a band where the planets rotate.
It consists of 28 IAU constellations (not 13 or even
12 as some "believe").

It is out of the purpose of this article to go and elaborate
on _all_ of the errors your natal chart _must_ contain to
be your natal chart as your local astrologer "believes"
it to be.

We don't just believe. People who made star maps did not
just believe, they observed, sorted, were inspired and
produced rituals.

You can believe Spica Virginis is in Libra, but in fact it
is of course in Virgo constellation.

You can believe your ascendant is this or that but looking at
your natal skies it is Sextans and mine is Monoceros. Those
are visible ascending constellations no eye can deneye.

/1/ Alan Leo, Dane Rudhyar and others

/2/ See also Enuma Elish

/3/ In 2004 Oberon and Titania conjunct on:

1 may
25 may
19 jun
14 jul
7 aug
1 sep
26 sep
20 oct

The calculations are Uranus centered, but hey can be
made from other vantage points, Earth Moon including.

The uranian influences are usually filtered by Earth
primary Moon (when full) before discharging aspects
towards our planet.

A short delineation of Oberon and Titania expanded
for the use of my students will be given on the
site and newsgroup http://ghettobox.dhs...ucklist/ng.html

The Sedna and 2004 DW delineations contain concepts
unfamiliar to most astrologers (here are some):

1. The zodiac has 28 constellations.
2. Secondary extrazodiacal progressions.
3. IAU compatible astrology = astronomy.
4. IAU constellations based delineation.
5. Saturn in Orion, Moon in Cetus, ...
6. Ascendants change with aeons and time.
7. Monoceros ascending. Lacerta zenithing.
8. Simscan progression of Earth trojan moons.
9. Secondary progressed Venus in Orion 2004.

Here's one of the many manifest - like articles you can find
browsing for "True Rising Constellations".

Note that this article precedes my discovery of the astronomical
research in the true zodiac led in 1977 by Dr. Lee Saphiro of
Morehead Planetarium, NC. Hope that my little research remains
if not astronomically meticulous, at least amusing and correct.

Introduction = 28 Zodiacal = Current Ascendental Constellations

Note again that "zodiacal" and "ascendental" are not the same at
all, while both categories, most remarkably the ascendental are
liable to change. It is easy to see how the ascendents change
with precession and location. This interesting subject deserves
attention and copious computation. This one was done on i386.

ASTROLOGY RELOADED © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Simply the East! True Eastern Ascendant

= True Rising Constellations = Reload here:

An american citizen has the right to know. He has the right to
know which objects circle around his head (he's paid for), but
most of all he has the right to know which constellations were
active at the time of his own birth. Astronomers will know.

There are people who are not astronomers but know something
about astrology. In fact the 12 signs system is used to this
day even in astronomy, although the usual format is RA/decl.

People are told their ascending constellation is Aries when
it is clearly not and cannot possibly be. The ascendant usually
measured is `known' as `eastern constellation' but is usually the
northeastern or southeastern part (at best) of the constellation.

Here are the constellations that _can_ rise in due East in 2003.

Serpens Cauda
(A really insignificant portion of Taurus)
(Canis Minor)
(A small part of) Leo
(Crater ...)
Serpens Caput

The cow looks over the Due East fence and she sees Monoceros.
But a cow looking over the same fence 30000 years ago would
perhaps see Crater or even Aries. Let's check it out, then:

Canis Minor
Serpens Cauda

The cow had a significantly different perspective due to precession.
Thus Monoceros (my own true ascendant and prince William's descendant)
could not possibly be due East (or West) 30000 years ago. Interesting.

It is interesting to know your Moon may be in Cetus, Corvus, Orion,
Ophiucus, Auriga or Sextans constellations, your Pluto in Coma
Berenices, your Saturn in Cetus, Venus in Hydra and Sun in Ophiucus.

Pluto is in Ophiucus and the Moon is in Cetus once a month, so we
are not talking about rare or remote cases of extrazodiacal behavior.

http://ghettobox.dhs...t/extrazodiacal delienations for your extrazodiacals

Run to NASA and be informed and order your True Chart here!

= Clear Skies! = news://
Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven|||
© 2004 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Rising Constellation: Sextans Sat Aug 09 20:09:38 GMT 2003

Introduction (Continued) Tis is the 28 astronomical zodiac:

Do we have only 13 zodiacal constellations, or up to 24?

= 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac =

© 2004 Klaudio Zic http://ghettobox.dhs...ucklist/ng.html

It is widely ignored that the true zodiacal band does not
contain 13 constellations only (Ophiucus including), but
also a motley variety of constellations usually unknown to
the average astrologer. If Pluto was a planet, we would
have 28 zodiacal constellations. If we discard Pluto as a
mere transneptunian it is, we have a neat set of 24 (on the
double!) constellations. Expanding with Pluto, that for most
astrologers is nothing but a planet, we have the following 28
constellations the planets travel through at this time and age:

= 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac =

The 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac

Canis Minor
Coma Berenices
Leo Minor

= 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac =

We have stated the Sun dwells "only 5 days" in Scorpius, while
it can apparently extend it's Scorpius sojourn to a week! The
largest constellation occupying the zodiac band is Virgo, where
the Sun lodges for 46 days.

We have the Moon moving through Libra, Scorpius and Ophiucus
for this Valentine. Let there be noted that the Sun is in Ophiucus
for an average of 18 days, roughly from Nov 30th to Dec 17th every
year. Transneptunians like Quaoar, Pluto or 2002 MS4, as well as
giant plutino Ixion are likely to dwell there for extended periods.

The Sun spends an average of 23 days in Libra, 7 in Scorpius and
18 in Ophiucus. This may vary from year to year, of course. It is
therefore a challenge for the incipient astrologer to calculate
his natal Sun's position.

= 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac =

The progressions of the planets have been called "extrazodiacal",
while there's in fact nothing "extrazodiacal" in Orion or Ophiucus
and the rest, since the planets dwell quite normally there. We had
Saturn in Orion last year (and during the world wars), Usama had
the Moon near Xi Orionis and so did the WTC tragedy. Scutum or
Auriga may look arcane, but there is a score of positions that
are common place (e.g. Keanu Reeves' Mercury in Sextans), like
this year's Venus in Orion or recent Venus in Ophiucus.

http://ghettobox.dhs.../pucklist/extra /cetus /sambora

© 2004 Klaudio Zic http://ghettobox.dhs...ucklist/ng.html

Valentine marks the end of Sun's journey through Capricornus and
it's entry into Aquarius. But does the Sun determine the Zodiac?

O5 Initiations, Astrological Services, I Ching Consultation
SMS +385 91 108 108 4

Homework for my Students:

Which objects visit Serpens Cauda, Serpens Caput, Canis Minor or
Auriga? When (if ever) does it happen that Pluto travels through
Pisces or Aries? Can Crater be ascending? Which major centaur
dwells in Crater? Progress 2002 AW197 in Tiamat's surrounding.
How many days _after_ Valentine the Sun enters into Aquarius?

= 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac =


#17 ananta

  • Legenda Foruma
  • posts 1,518

Posted 24. April 2004, 13:49

Uchenci seveda sproti sodelujejo. Denimo eden dela na Iapetocentrichnosti.

Ne vem kjere programe imajo, bo skyglobe in podobno,
astronomske pa nekaj experimentalnega...


IAU je uradno zdaj astronomija = astrologija


Pluton v 2004 preide iz Ophiucus v Serpens =

astralne eterichne vojne in krize v raju /( peklu

veliko demonizacija

exorcisti v akciji!!!


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