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Venera=Hydra Saturn=OPhiuchus $2015shift $VIX

hydra ophiuchus

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  • Legenda Foruma
  • Št. objav: 1 518

Objavljeno: 7. september 2015, 03:21

28 years $VIX #volatility cycle #Saturn
in #Ophiuchus 1929 #2015shift #FED $SPY $QQQ $DAX $GLD $IWM $SPX


Some recent publications on the


#Saturn in #Ophiuchis #2015shift
#marketcrash #china #stocks #stockmarket #nasdaq #dowjones #sp500
#blackmonday #auditthefed #chinameltdown


Copyright © 1972-2015 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved.




25 OR 28? $VIX


August and October: most dreaded months
when hit by lows: such as in the year 2015 with the much announced
entrance of Venus in Hydra, the Chinese “unexpectedly” devalued
their national currencies as announced; in October, Saturn enters
Ophiuchus as USA enters recession: Canada is there already. Stellar
data links perfectly periods of great recession while predicting
peaks decades ahead. How do we know bull from bear? The selfsame
applies to Pegasus vs Cetus, much as Scutum versus Hydra. For more:
see e.g. #2007shift versus #2015shift while looking forward towards
#2017shift and of course #2025shift – if there be stock market in
the year 2216 on Phobos; we are already able to predict it!


  2. Afterwards it rung a bell, yes –
        of course: someone across Twitter came up to the idea of a – if we
        recall correctly - “25 years volatility cycle”: that may be
        almost good guess as concern short terms: which they usually are.

  3. Our graphs show every crisis or
        potential market crash even since year 1700 until kingdom come that
        is 2050 and beyond: if market be, we can predict its issues on
        Phobos in the year 2216 and beyond.

  4. Why is 25 good guess? 28 is
        correct, but since Ophiuchus is a large – not only tall –
        constellation; Saturn spends about 3 years within it.

  5. Moreover, the USA ascendant in
        Serpens Cauda as well as “perturbing” dwarf plants galore in
        Ophiuchus: meaning significant influences plus influence from narrow
        Scorpius: can in fact slant the needle of any financial compass
        towards rough an estimation.

  6. Hope we made ourselves clear:
        crisis does not depend on Saturn only: Eris is important for the
        FED; Moon in Orion for the NYSE, Venus in Hydra is underlying
        influence for the Chinese crisis and so on: as influences
        intermingles, everyone has a bunch of graphs to show: but only
        predictive astronomy can actually pinpoint crisis in the year before
        or after any graphic guess.

  7. In order to illustrate: we can
        discuss Indian financial crisis at the time of Krishna to the
        minute: due to a recent upgrade of relevant NASA facilities.


Prav tako označeno z eno ali več teh ključnih besed: hydra, ophiuchus

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